"Dell Laptop Burned Down My House"?


Dec 20, 2003
"Dell Laptop Burned Down My House"?

Dan writes is to let us know that a Dell Laptop was the most probable cause of a fire that destroyed his home. We must say he seems in good spirits about it, all things considered:

On Monday morning I was heading to work like any other day.. little did I know that my home was being consumed by a raging fire. I arrived my desk to find that the phone was ringing - I needed to come home immediately was the message.

When I arrived home the entire street was blocked with fire and rescue crews. My 130 year old former farm house was engulfed in flames, with thick dark smoke pouring out of the windows and roof. Over 60 firefighters from 4 departments fought the blaze and battled equipment failures due to the near zero degree weather.

Hours later, after investigation the fire Marshall investigator took me aside asked me if I had a laptop computer. Yes -- I told him I had a Dell Inspiron 1200...

PhotonWrangler said:
Yikes. I'm guessing that this was one of the defective Sony battery packs.

And if he had taken care of the Dell recall that was posted on EVERY news site, television and radio newscast then it wouldnt have happened.

that seems a little harsh! :(


Hallis said:
And if he had taken care of the Dell recall that was posted on EVERY news site, television and radio newscast then it wouldnt have happened.

Hallis said:
And if he had taken care of the Dell recall that was posted on EVERY news site, television and radio newscast then it wouldnt have happened.


Actually, if you care to read through the article, he mentioned that he already read about the battery malfunction cases and I presume he did whatever necessary to prevent battery related problem.

I've been a reader of your site for sometime. When the recent
problems began with laptop batteries I read about it at
consumerist.com. I own two Dell laptops -- one for my wife and one
for myself -- so I immediately checked out the model numbers and
batteries against dells website designed for the purpose.
There were at least two versions of Dell battery/charger problems. The more recent one toat got a lot of press was the Sony batteries, but prior to that there was a rash of defective Dell AC Adaptor/chargers. I wonder if he had a defective charger.