Dereelight DBS XRE-E Q4 with 3 Way Module SMO


Newly Enlightened
Oct 30, 2007
well just bought my first led flashlight from fenix . l2d ce premium q5 . great light with textured reflecter . only thing i dont like is i like the high setting best . 180 lumen . but only for no more then 10 min at a time . would like to be able to use it at that setting longer . but other wise a great light .
now im looking for great throw , and have seen lot of great reviews for the deree light listed in the title of this thread . but search high and low cannot find anywhere to buy it . says current seller being lighthouse but i could only find the drop in led not the flashlight itself . keep in mind im very new at led flashlights so mabey i missed something real obvious but any help would be greatly appreciated as to where i can actually go to buy it .
on the other hand mabey there is a way to change out the reflector in the fenix light to a smooth reflector and get round the same throw as the deree light ?
Throwing a smooth reflector in a Fenix won't come close to the throw the Dereelight DBS has. The Dereelight DBS throws so far because it has a MUCH larger reflector. If you have PayPl you can order directly from Dereelight here:

Alan, from Dereelight, is great to deal with. I'm not sure which dealers have the DBS in stock at this time, but has carried some of their products.
Throwing a smooth reflector in a Fenix won't come close to the throw the Dereelight DBS has. The Dereelight DBS throws so far because it has a MUCH larger reflector. If you have PayPl you can order directly from Dereelight here:

Alan, from Dereelight, is great to deal with. I'm not sure which dealers have the DBS in stock at this time, but has carried some of their products.

Don't look for Lighthound to have any of the Duree flashlights anytime soon. In fact, if you do a search on the Lighthound site using the term "Duree", nothing at all comes up.

If you want a DBS, you need to buy it direct from Alan, the thread link for sales that was given above.
Welcome to CPF!

You will NEVER get comparable throw from a fenix against a DBS, the size and depth of the reflector is very very different, the deeper / bigger the reflector more throw and less sidespill. I would take this approach in buying a new light.

1-. Decide first how big of a light you want to buy,Is it going to be mostly in your jeans pocket? a coat pocket, a holster? on a night stand?

2-. What batteries will you use most of the time? Alcalines, Nimh, 123's, or rechargeable Li-ion?

3.- How bright do you want it? blinding? Just enough to get around? Variable brightness?

4.- What throw do you want on your light? How far? For long throw deep reflectors or aspherics would do better,

Now for my recommendations for pocketable throwers, Lumapower D-mini comes to mind (1 x 123) Lumapower M1 (1 x 18650 / 2 x 123 / 2 x R123's)
or Derelight CL1H, this is about the biggest light I would carry in a jeans pocket.

Lowes has a Coast adjustable focus 3 AAA light that has gotten good reviews and can be modded with a seoul led for more brightness.

Throw kings for coat pocket or belt carry: Derelight DBS, Tiablo A8 / A9, lumapower MRV, or a custom aspheric 1C mag.

But as any true CPF member would say, "Buy them both" or "Buy them all"

Look at the manufacturer's corner for some interesting lights or the custom mod BST
