Dereelight quality. Is this an oxymoron?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 12, 2008
I own a Q5 3sd drop-in for a surefire 6p. After a month, the light started switching modes while in use, or even worse, it would not turn on! I e-mailed Alan who told me I needed to soldier part of the pill. I complied, and this lasted about 3 months until it started again. Now, when the thing comes on, the high on dereelight is about as bright as a p3d on low.

I have read good things about dereelight's quality and their customer service; however, I have not been so lucky.I recently tried e-mailing Alan, but have had no luck. :( Has anyone had similar problems?
Almost sounds like a connection problem. Did you try cleaning all the contacts, including inside the SF 6P? I wonder if it would work more reliably in a Dereelight CL1H, which is what the pills are optimized for. However, they should work fine in any p60 host. Changing modes sounds like a connection issue though, like it was breaking contact inside the head of the light.

Wait a sec though.. 3SD in a 6P? How are you powering it? That drop-in is 4.2v max. If you're running 2xCR123's or 2xR123's you will fry it. Unless you're using a 17670, hopefully. :)
Like WadeF said, in 99% when i have problems with Flashlight, there is nothing really broken, contact problem or the switch is not fixed or any other simple problem (or battery was empty)
I have been using fully charged AW 17670 cells. I have two of them and they both do the same thing, so it is not the batteries. Also, I have cleaned the 6p with no luck, and I have tried sticking the pill in another 6p with no luck. Also, would a connection issue cause the light to be so dim?
Did you ever put a battery in backwards? Dim usually means the pill got damaged some how, by either over voltage, or reverse polarity. Or it could just have failed under normal conditions.

If it keeps up try contacting Alan on CPF Market Place by either sending a PM to his Dereelight account, or posting in one of his topics. You could also contact the US Dereelight Dealer to see if he can handle warranties if your purchased direct from Dereelight. He has topics on the CPF Market Place Dealer forum.
Hi kicken_bright. Sorry for the trouble with the 3SD pill. I normally only handle warranty issues for Dereelight items purchased from me, but I'll help you out since Dereelight is closed from now until Feb. 3rd for the Chinese New Year. That's why you haven't been able to get ahold of Alan. :) Send a PM to me with your address, and I'll exchange the pill for you.

Thanks WadeF and maxilux for the help!
Thanks for supporting this Dereelight customer FlashCrazy. :) Another great dealer on CPF!
+1 for Flashcrazy. Great guy to deal with! Sadly, I sold my 6P to build a scout light the day before my LED arrived from him.
What a guy! From now on, only buy from Flashcrazy. I have been very happy with the Deerelight stuff I've gotten from him and even happier with his service.
FlashCrazy, I've subscribed to all your DereeLight threads and have been amazed by your excellent customer service.

A DBS and some new pills are in my near future, and I will certainly buy from you.

DereeLight quality is very high to me as I have a CL1H V4 and three pills that get used daily.
I hope I'll get that good support from Alan after chinese new year. My new 3SD R2 WH doesn't remember the mode and changes to next mode after being turned off for a few minutes. Older version worked ok. I hope this isn't a feature... Or is it?
A big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed! It's great to be helped by so many people who "suffer" from flashaholism. :laughing:
Thanks for the compliments, guys.... just doing what I think is right. :)

Winx: Are you keeping the light on a particular level for at least two seconds before turning off? Maybe the pill you have takes just a second longer than your old one before the memory feature kicks in. If that doesn't work, Alan will definitely take care of you when he returns. I'm only handling the U.S. market now, otherwise I'd help you out.