Devcon 60-second Clear Epoxy?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2007
I'm waiting to get some Glowinc v10 15-35micron powder that will be my first foray into this whole gid world and was checking into different epoxies. A local store carries Devcon's 60-second Clear Epoxy #21445. It appears clearer than the 2-ton epoxy I've seen much talk about and it mixes itself due to the nozzles on it. Anyone try using this stuff with gid powder?
I personally don't like those glues with the self mix things. There is really no point to use them with the glow powder, you have to mix it anyway after adding the powder. Also, since this is your first time with the powder/epoxy, I suggest you use one of the longer set times for the epoxy. The 2 ton stuff is plenty clear and works great with the glowinc powders. I'd start with the 30 minute set time epoxy, this will give you some wiggle room. You will end up wasting some if you try the 60 second stuff.
Abbeytoo makes a good point. You will want to avoid the 60 second stuff, becuase it will not give you enough working time.

Use the 30 minute, two ton epoxy. It is self leveling, and will give you plenty of time to get the glow powder mixed in. It dries very clear, and has excellent glow visibility and strength. I have used a lot of the Devcon two ton epoxy, and won't take chances on anything else. The price is right, too. It is $1.97 at all of the local Wal-Mart's.
Alrighty then, I'll give the 30sec 2-ton Devcon a shot. Thanks guys. Happy Holidays!
Another thought, if you are filling something like a mold, make sure it sits level. The epoxy is self leveling and you want it to set evenly.
Is anyone having trouble finding the Devcon 2-ton epoxy at Walmart? All of the stores in my area have been out of it for over a month and the spot where it used to hang is now filled with Locktite epoxy. Are they not carrying it any longer? Any place else to get it at the price they sold it for? ($1.97) Hook me up! I need a source!
Is anyone having trouble finding the Devcon 2-ton epoxy at Walmart? All of the stores in my area have been out of it for over a month and the spot where it used to hang is now filled with Locktite epoxy. Are they not carrying it any longer? Any place else to get it at the price they sold it for? ($1.97) Hook me up! I need a source!

The Wal-Mart that I checked yesterday had LocTite brand epoxy, too. :( All of it was the fast setting type, or I would have tried it.
When this stuff is finished curing does it end up soft and rubbery or is it hard?
The stuff I'm using is hard when it cures. It's the 2-Ton Devcon.

Walmart isn't carrying it now so I ordered 5 sets from somewhere online with free shipping. It was a pretty good deal and now I'm set for awhile.
The locktite that walmart carries is similar, just not at the rocking price we were gettin the Devcon for. I bought a bunch of the bigger size. Comes in 2 bottles instead of the syringe.

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