DeWalt DC9000 to 240V conversion - how?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2006
I recently bought a setup of 2xDC9360 Batteries with charger. I found out, that charger is DC9000 (120V) instead of DE9000 (240V - here goes eBay reliability), but it was so cheap, that sending it back would cost me more. I know that someone in New Zealand converts them to 240V, but again shipping would be so expensive there. So I just opened it, found some kind of charger with balancer/checker (or I think so - why install Atmel in any other case). There was a video on youtube, but it's now gone. Can someone help mi with it?
Yes, you're right. Still - it's not the best solution (TBH - I already ordered one 500W, but still I'm curious - and I will have AT in few weeks). If someone can describe it in 6 minutes and adds that it should be doable with most switching supplies and the other person makes the change for 40$ - it cannot be complicated.

1. Use rectifier
(just put a rectifier in series with one of the AC cables

2. Use SCR
To cut off sine wave @ 110V
(now I have to do some math about power )
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guys, really no ideas?

To this moment I disassembled the charger - looks like it has switching power supply. What I'm worried is that there is "something" at the input with 250V etched on it. Please - post any comments to this thread - having an A123 charger with balancer for 20-25$ and with no additional transformer - that would be good :)
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You have to be very careful when you try to do the mods
you seem to be talking about. Connecting a diode in series
with one AC lead only really should be done for resistive
loads, or loads you KNOW will work that way. Otherwise you
get 340v peaks where only 170v peaks belong.
Using a triac is a bit of a risk too, because one false trigger
and your circuit gets 340v peak instead of 170v...some
noise on the AC line and your circuit is suddenly dead.

A transformer is probably the only way to go, unless you
can get detailed info about the circuit, such as a schematic.
We could then take a look and decide what can be done.

If the circuit actually runs on DC then that's another story.
An offline dc to dc buck converter might be used, but again
we would have to know something about the circuit before
doing this kind of thing.

There are other types of controllers that may work, such
as a switching ac to ac power supply, that converts
240vac to 120vac synthesized sine wave. This would
put out a pulsing sine wave. The idea with this type is
to build a ac to dc rectifer/filter and then convert the
dc back to ac with a synthesized sine pattern and an
output filter. The electronics gets a little involved
however, requiring a sine lookup table and such,
and the ability to generate both plus and minus output
(H bridge).
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