Did I damage up my battery ??


Mammoth Killer
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
I have the standard Wolf-Eyes CH-02 charger that I use to charge my 150-A Wolf-Eyes cells. Tonight I installed the batteries to charge and realized very quickly that I had one of the cells reversed in the charger. I removed it after maybe 2 seconds and charged it normally.

I noticed while it was charging the one I had put in wrong earlier did not charge as fast as the one beside it. I assume this as both of the indicator lights were red to start off while one changed colors earlier than the one I put in wrong so I assumed it charged at a different rate.

Did I damage my battery.....I could not find much on the charger on a search and I know nothing of the protection capabilities of the cells nor the charger.

Any worries here or should I be ok with continued use of this cell?

Hello Robocop,

There are a couple of possibilities...

You may have damaged the cell, or you may have damaged the charger, or putting the cell in backward simply discharged that cell a little bit more and it took a little longer to charge back up.

The Wolf Eyes cells have protection circuits in them that are very robust. That does not mean that they are fool proof, but your cell is most likely OK. Never the less, keep an eye on it during the next couple of charge cycles.

I am not sure what happens to the charger circuit when you stick a cell in backward, but since it charged up properly, there is also a good chance that it is OK too.

Once again, critically watch the next couple of charges, and pay attention to the cells performance in your light. Any deviation from "normal" is grounds for suspicion and further investigation.

:devil: :) By the way, the black end is the positive end... :)

Thanks for the help silver.....the crazy part is that I looked at the cell twice just to be sure and still put it in backwards. I got sidetracked for a split second and that was all it took.....huh yeah some flashlight veteran I am.

You may be correct as when the first indicator turned green indicating a full charge the one in question also turned green maybe 3 seconds behing the other one. The light powered just fine and did well all night on duty tonight.

Maybe I did get lucky however will keep an eye on the cell for a while....thanks again.

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