Did I fry my Eneloops? Too hot to hold!


Aug 30, 2006
Used my Eneloops in a ROP Hi with Kai adapters. Well the adapter melted and I noticed the body starting to get warm. When I opened the tail cap, the batteries were hot! Almost too hot to hold. As hot as the side of a fresh mug of coffee. Are these finished? Should I test Costco's return policy?
I too would say no.

Think about it: if you use a product in a manner for which it was not designed, or it is damaged due to a faulty something else, why would you try and cheat a reputable merchant out of a replacement? Doesn't matter if it is a big box store or a small independent business, it's the same in the end: Just wrong.
Hello Bimerboy,

"Almost too hot to hold" is at the upper end of the allowable temperature. If you hit that temperature every time, you will probably loose some cycle life, but the cells should handle an excursion or two "into the oven."

I had an experience once with my 5 cree M@g Mod running on 15 Sanyo AA direct drive. One of the battery had an exposed casing and touching the Mag inner tube(bored out) therefore a short. Man the tube got really really hot, almost as hot as your bread toaster. I am sure the batteries are damaged now the capacity is only 1600mah instead of 2700. and they are brand new :mecry:
Hello Bimerboy,

"Almost too hot to hold" is at the upper end of the allowable temperature. If you hit that temperature every time, you will probably loose some cycle life, but the cells should handle an excursion or two "into the oven."


These should be OK. The Energizer 2500s that I had before started to leak a liquid substance when pushed... that was before the switch and tail cap switches.

And all right... I'll leave Costco out of this.

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