Did I score a bargain or what?


Dec 20, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
Here in Australia CR123 batts are expensive and you will py between $6.59 and $10.00 for a good CR123A bttery. Well last week I won an ebay auction for 21 Panasonic CR123A batts. The batts are all new and genuine Panasonic batts.

BTS how can you tell or pick the diffence between a real and fake Panasonic

Take care
Are they WHITE panasonics or BLACK panasonics.

If WHITE, good chance they are fakes (especially from eBay)

I have bought about 20 of them and they seem to work fine. BUT, realising they were fakes, I discarded them. (Better to be safe than sorry)

And YES, there is a spelling mistake on the fake ones.

Real ones say "Matsushita Electric Industrial"

Fake ones have "Matsushita Elestric Industrial"

Here is a link - http://candlepowerforums.com/vb/showpost.php?p=2442417&postcount=15

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