Did Jetbeam stop making the Jet-II ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
It looks like a very nice size backup light, but it doesn't look like it's still made :(
It appears that the RRT-0 is their only remaining 1xCR123a light. Maybe somebody knows if there is an I.B.S. line replacement for the Jet-II in the pipeline? The Jet-I heads would work with 1xCR123a if they would make a body tube for it. :shrug:
Yes, they stopped making the Jet II some time ago.

There aren't any lego-able parts across the Jetbeam line that I'm aware of. The Jet II has square threads, my Jet Mk IBS has standard threads.

The big advantage of the Jet II that's overlooked is the ability to remove the head/reflector and use the emitter bare - pop in a Li-Ion and you've got a 250 lumen Zebralight; it's like walking around with a garage worklight..
Yeah, it's a pity. Untiil my Ray D1 showed up (which also no longer seems to be made), I used to take my Jet-II IBS with me when I wanted a pocket thrower.

BTW, the Jet-II Pro replaced the original Jet-II IBS, and added a few niceties like a tailcap lock-out and bi-directional clip - but lost the head-removal/focus feature. :shrug:

I'm sure it would be hard to find any version now, as its been 2 years since these lights were produced.

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