Diferent modes for tight and loose head?


Jan 2, 2010
Bloomington, IN
A lot of lights have different settings based on the head being tightened, or loose. I have an EagleTac P20C2 and it is one of those lights. Tighten the head for high, and loosen it for general mode. Well, when the head is loosened for general mode it has some play to it every time I turn it on or off. It is slight, but enough that I can feel it moving in my hand. It drives me a little bit crazy. I don't see how people could be satisfied with this. It just doesn't feel solid when parts are moving every time you click it on or off.

Do the Fenix, Quark and other models that have the same system do the same? Do they have a little play with a loose head?

What do you guys think of this system?
My Quark 123^2 tactical xpe R2 does not have this problem. No play when the head is loose. I personally like the system and mode options if offers.
whenever you have two machined surfaces fitted together, there will ALWAYS be some amount of "play". if there was absolutely no play, it would be physically impossible for the two pieces to fit together at all.
I have an EagleTac P20C2 and it is one of those lights. Tighten the head for high, and loosen it for general mode. Well, when the head is loosened for general mode it has some play to it every time I turn it on or off. It is slight, but enough that I can feel it moving in my hand. It drives me a little bit crazy. I don't see how people could be satisfied with this. It just doesn't feel solid when parts are moving every time you click it on or off.
Do the Fenix, Quark and other models that have the same system do the same? Do they have a little play with a loose head?
Personally I don't mind it too much, and have had to get used to it with my new Quark, but I would actually prefer a fixed head and a clicky that changes between high/low modes. I couldn't find one that I liked when I was searching for a new light to meet my needs, except for the Ra light, but I wanted AAx2 not 123 cells and not $250 CDN.
As for my Quark, there is no real play in the head. It has lubed O-rings for water seal and the O-ring provides some damping to the threads so the head doesn't "wiggle" or rotate on it's own or with moderate contact.
I've yet to find MY perfect light however...so I made a slight compromise and I'm very happy with the Quark.
I have a Jetbeam M1X and a Fenix TK20 and if there is any 'play' in the head, it's not noticeable to me.
I have a Jetbeam M1X and a Fenix TK20 and if there is any 'play' in the head, it's not noticeable to me.
I'm not sure you would notice what I am talking about on those models, because they are long enough that you may not have your hand wrapped around the head when you apply pressure on the clicky. That was the problem I was having. When applying pressure on the clicky with my thumb, the front of my hand would feel the slight rotation of the head.

That being said, I did clean the threads and o-ring on my P20C2 with a toothbrush and some rubbing alcohol. There is hardly any play in the head now - not enough to bother me anymore.
I have quarks AA, AA^2, RGB, Fenix L2d, PD30, TK20, TK11R2, just to name those with tight/loose head modes and NONE of those have a noticeable play in the head whether in tightened or loosened mode. Hope this helps or you find a solution...