Digital Picture Frames


Newly Enlightened
Nov 18, 2006
Riverside, CA
Anybody on this forum know anything about Digital Picture Frames... The kind that you insert your memory card into and view pictures on... I'm looking for one - probably in the 8 inch range; they have some a local WalMart & Target but the good folks that work there are pretty clueless.

Tips on what features to look for and a good brand would be appreciated.

They had a recent problem with some virus in a picture frame. Something to google before buying.
My company just sent me 7 picture frames for digital signage for my branch. I was told to just put the SD cards in and set the unit up to change the picture every 3-5 seconds. Should be a no-brainer, but I'll tell you tomorrow after I set them up.

The brand is Pandigital and work fine. No issues, put in the SD card and the slide show started.
My wife wants one since we don't get many prints now that we only shoot digital.

I've been looking at the smaller Philips ones since they have a built in battery. It only lasts an hour or so but would let her take the frame to other people's houses to show them some photos. Haven't bought one yet.

I'm interested in hearing what other people have (and like).

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