Flashlight Enthusiast
In case anyone is interested, here are the dimensions of http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=BK-18650-PC2-ND

IIRC, those type cell holders are only good up to about 1 Amp before heating up enough to melt the plastic.
Argh... I was worried about that. still brainstorming. I was thinking about flowing some more solder, in an effort to try and reduce resistance. Maybye wrapping the springs in copper braid too....:sigh:
Might have been the AAA and AA versions that melt around 1 amp of input current. The spring on kramer's unit does look bigger than the AA / AAA units I have here, and you're using 3.6A so I guess they'll be good enough. Just don't crank it up to 5A!clintb, I use those D cell holders to charge 10000mAH NiMH cells at 3.6A (I like using this number as 1mAH of charge takes one seceond) and they appear to work well - the contacts do get slightly warm but definitely not hot enough to melt the plastic - YMMV.