Hey everyone,
Stumbled upon this site while doing a search for high powered LED ring lights. I'm trying to build one for a little project I'm cooking up where I want a LED ring flash that can give me enough power to stop motion a moving macro subject while my macro lens is set at maximum f-stop (minimum iris size) to provide maximum DOF. Not surprising, this requires quite a few photons!! I want to use LEDs due to their long life (I will be firing these every 5-10 seconds for almost 12 hours a day, 5-7 days a week, all year long). While a xenon flash has been shown to work for me (standard studio strobe), I have a feeling at this desired work load, I would be changing the bulbs much too often. Nothing out there that I have seen in pre-made LED flashes can come close to this. However, I stumbled across another post here that discussed some newer, high powered LEDs on the order of 100-300W chips that put out quite a few lumens. I'm wondering if an array of these in a ring configuration, fired in strobe mode, would work for me. Part of my problem is that I'm not the most electronically gifted person (I can do some simple soldering), nor do I know what is needed to simply strobe these LEDs (which would also avoid heat issues). I'm just beginning this project, so my main research has been through Google. If folks out there have any suggestions or resources that may help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Stumbled upon this site while doing a search for high powered LED ring lights. I'm trying to build one for a little project I'm cooking up where I want a LED ring flash that can give me enough power to stop motion a moving macro subject while my macro lens is set at maximum f-stop (minimum iris size) to provide maximum DOF. Not surprising, this requires quite a few photons!! I want to use LEDs due to their long life (I will be firing these every 5-10 seconds for almost 12 hours a day, 5-7 days a week, all year long). While a xenon flash has been shown to work for me (standard studio strobe), I have a feeling at this desired work load, I would be changing the bulbs much too often. Nothing out there that I have seen in pre-made LED flashes can come close to this. However, I stumbled across another post here that discussed some newer, high powered LEDs on the order of 100-300W chips that put out quite a few lumens. I'm wondering if an array of these in a ring configuration, fired in strobe mode, would work for me. Part of my problem is that I'm not the most electronically gifted person (I can do some simple soldering), nor do I know what is needed to simply strobe these LEDs (which would also avoid heat issues). I'm just beginning this project, so my main research has been through Google. If folks out there have any suggestions or resources that may help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!