DB, our current will was written when we lived in Arizona...updating it is just something we've been putting off for too long.
Found out today, as a military retiree - the legal department at the local AFB will take care of us as one of our earned benefits. Can't go wrong with that option! Looks like I won't be needing the software now.
Fallingwater, different states have different laws & while a will merely written by the parties involved isn't a bad thing...one needs to protect their wishes & loved ones according to those specific laws (signed by witnesses, notarized, written while standing on our heads, who knows what the local requirements are?!
). If one doesn't have a will in accordance with those laws - it's possible the will would be easier to contest, perhaps someone may (or may not) end up with items not meant to go to them, the state can take a piece, all sorts of things could go wrong.
It's not that we have much to even worry about, but would like what we do have to go in the right direction without complications according to our wishes NOT someone elses.
Do I know what I'm talking about - heck no! That's why I needed the software or a lawyer!! :thumbsup: