Do they want to sell me stuff or not?

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Newly Enlightened
Jun 12, 2010
Ok, so I buy my lights in small groups at a time. Well its time for me to buy some here is my problem. I know that several dealers have discounts for CPF members so why are these discounts so hard or impossible to find. I 've got the cash, I've got the want of new toys but I will not purchase anything when I know if I just include CPF2010 or some other bunch of letters I can buy my lights for less money.
Until I see some codes my wish list and cash will stay in my pocket.
Why don't these dealers realize this?
Old old story,ask the dealer in question and I am sure you will get your code plus Redforest above has already given you a link to many codes.
Thanks guys. I realize it is the sellers best interest to sell at full price and they are doing us a nice favour to give cpf users a discount. But they know who their customers are and giving discounts is an easy way to get our business.
Thanks guys. I realize it is the sellers best interest to sell at full price and they are doing us a nice favour to give cpf users a discount. But they know who their customers are and giving discounts is an easy way to get our business.

I don't think the sellers have any say in wher ethe location for the discounts is at - so, keep that in mind.

I've run a couple of forums personally Admins and moderators want things in nice, neat places... It wouldn't work well to have a seperate thread for each and every vendor - not on a site THIS large (tons of members).

So, don't fault the vendors for this.
Finish activating your account at the Market Place and complete the vetting process there and you will see what you are looking for. This thread is closed here.

And a word of advise to the OP.... Read the FAQ's and forum rules before posting.
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