Do You Read the CPF 'Batteries Included' Forum (at least once) Daily?

Do You Read the CPF 'Batteries Included' Forum (at least once) Daily?

  • Total voters


Dec 16, 2008
Central NJ, USA
I recently read a "Moderator MOVED" thread where the Newbie OP stated that s/he PURPOSELY posted in 'the other forum' because the 'Batteries Included' Forum appeared (to him/her) to have LOW ACTIVITY! :eek: When I checked my 50-Line 'Batteries Included' Index Page, IIRC, ~48 posts were either from TODAY or YESTERDAY (a *GOOD* day! :thumbsup:).

Thus, the purpose of this POLL is to actually count HOW MANY folks 'regularly' read the CPF 'Batteries Included' Forum.
  • YES: Will count those folks, like me, who log on 'at least once' DAILY.
  • NO: Will count everyone else who logs on, but *NOT* DAILY.

Thanks in advance for your participation. ;)
I only read the Incan, Batteries, Collectors, BST and Modified forums, and occasionally what I see on the Portal Page. Forget the rest.
Of course we are self selecting for Yes answers since it's posted in forum it's asking about. :nana:
Yes ... I do . I also monitor the "Archive" to see every new thread that is started in the Batt. forum !

NEED NEW POLL .........

How many members using rechargeable batteries and chargers and multi-cell lights .......

Have read the Safety Sticky threads and battery knowledge threads exposing hazards ........

And feel that they FULLY understand what they are doing and are confident with their abilities ?

??? ....... well .... are ya
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I do. As much as I have a thing for flashlights, I enjoy the battery technology side as well.
Of course we are self selecting for Yes answers since it's posted in forum it's asking about. :nana:

+1. I think it'd be more valid to post it in the general section, but then since it's relevant to here, it'd probably get moved...

Regarding the question, heck yes! Given that Li-Ions are the only component in my torch capable of detonation, I definitely check.
Of course we are self selecting for Yes answers since it's posted in forum it's asking about. :nana:
Good point :D

+1. I think it'd be more valid to post it in the general section, but then since it's relevant to here, it'd probably get moved...
A valid and humourous point :)

When I come to CPF on my numerous daily visits, I always go to the Batteries sub-forum first.

I originally came to CPF in early 2008 looking for battery information (LSD AA cells I believe it was).
Then I made the mistake of looking in the flashlight wallet has been hurting ever since :D
I dont think the batteries section is dead. Of course, there are people who think a forum is some kind of chat or MSN...
I read CPF and CPFMP, as well as all the other sites I try to keep up with, using Google Reader, so see all the new posts via RSS. It sure speads up keeping up to date!
I read the threads that show up in CPF New Posts, but rarely look in that sub-forum specifically.
Given that Li-Ions are the only component in my torch capable of detonation, I definitely check.


I might add that the first time I looked into this sub-forum I was lucky enough to run into a post by SilverFox. It was such an education, I've not been able to stay away. I imagine many others have been fortunate enough to have had the same experience.
I read it more than any other forum on CPF. I'm what you would call a batteryholic, more than I'm a flashaholic.

My batteries:

I also just look at the new posts, I have two favorites saved that open up the new posts search. (one for cpf, one for cpfmp)
I also just look at the new posts, I have two favorites saved that open up the new posts search. (one for cpf, one for cpfmp)

Same here. There's interesting stuff going on in most every sub-section and this is the easiest way for me to see it all.

Only when I'm searching for something battery specific will I actually go into this subsection.
No. I will go there is something striks my interest when I go down the list of New Posts. I do use that forum as a reference when I do research on various interests of mine. In the course of a year I read thousands of posts, and many are from that forum.

to ltiu --

Really got a charge outta' yer' photograph.


Although, some folks may think it's revolting.

First visit of the day headlamps, Batteries Included, home-made, Led and Bike. If I come back I look at the new posts.

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