I recently read a "Moderator MOVED" thread where the Newbie OP stated that s/he PURPOSELY posted in 'the other forum' because the 'Batteries Included' Forum appeared (to him/her) to have LOW ACTIVITY!
When I checked my 50-Line 'Batteries Included' Index Page, IIRC, ~48 posts were either from TODAY or YESTERDAY (a *GOOD* day! :thumbsup
Thus, the purpose of this POLL is to actually count HOW MANY folks 'regularly' read the CPF 'Batteries Included' Forum.
Thanks in advance for your participation.
Thus, the purpose of this POLL is to actually count HOW MANY folks 'regularly' read the CPF 'Batteries Included' Forum.
- YES: Will count those folks, like me, who log on 'at least once' DAILY.
. - NO: Will count everyone else who logs on, but *NOT* DAILY.
Thanks in advance for your participation.