Does ANYONE know where I can get an A19?


Oct 13, 2001
I have tried my best, but I simply cannot find any source for the A19. Even Tim Flanagan couldn't find one.

If anyone can point me toward a source you will indeed gladden the heart of this frustrated fellow-Flashaholic.

I think Mr TB may have one for you.
(I love it on this board when some one needs something & finds someone that has it & doesn't need it. I just bought a 6P with 3" T-head from Surefire M6 that completed my Turbo collection. The 3" T-head went on my 12PM; the 2 1/2" T-head from the 12PM went on the 6P along with my A19 to make a 9PT. I now have a G2T, 9PT, 12PMT {?}, & M3T. I don't want a T-head for the M2. Oh, I need a KT5 if anyone has one they don't want.)
DOH! txwest, I just sold mine. I didn't know you were looking for the KT5!

The A19 is listed at AGR, maybe try giving him a call?
Ted Bear, txwest, DavidW and Surefire M6,

Boy, am I embarassed! Here I am, a relatively experienced Flashaholic and somehow I miss the obvious! Well, so did Tim which makes me feel a little better.

Thank you all for your quick responses, and thanks Jeff, for the offer.

David W, just one more thank you for your wonderful creation!
