Dorcy LED Drop in


Nov 2, 2009
I just picked up a Dorcy LED drop in for an old mag lite that I had lying around, and it isn't bad. They also make a 30 lumen drop in that I saw.

They were 3.99 at FRY's. About the same cost as an ican bulb so I thought what the heck. A pretty good value for the money if it lasts and has a decent run time.

The new Nite Ize drop in and the old maglite drop in I believe are brighter, but then again for 3.99, it was hard to go wrong.

Just sharing
I saw the 30 lumen model at frys as well and decided to pick one up. I wasn't expecting much but I was pretty suprised in the end considering its only $4. I did some beamshots and comparisons with a Mag 2D comparing the Dorcy against the Nite-Ize led drop ins. I tried to keep the focus of the two Mags as close as possible (spot).

Dorcy 41-1643 , NI LED Upgrade , NI 1watt LED Upgrade

My camera doesn't have very good manual options so you cannot directly compare the comparison shots due to the cameras auto-exposure. Indicated lumens are OTF.

Dorcy (30l) vs NI LED (~10l)

Dorcy (30l) vs NI 1watt LED (~45l)

Amp draw measurements with 2 Rayovac D Alkalines:
Dorcy 41-1643: 0.090A
Nite IzeLED Upgrade: 0.057A
Nite Ize 1 watt LED Upgrade: 0.245A

At my local Fry's the Nite Ize LED Upgrade sells for $8, the 1 watt LED upgrade for $12, and the Dorcy for $4. It doesn't really make any sense to buy the $8 Nite Ize bulb. This Dorcy is a real good bang for the buck. There is really no reason to buy replacement Krypton bulbs when the Dorcy sells for maybe $1 more at most.
Thank you for the current measurements and beamshots! If you happen to get the 40 lumen version for 4.5-6 volts, I'd love to see current measurements on that one, too.
I saw the 30 lumen model at frys as well and decided to pick one up. I wasn't expecting much but I was pretty suprised in the end considering its only $4.

Amp draw measurements with 2 Rayovac D Alkalines:
Dorcy 41-1643: 0.090A

I just picked up a 41-1643 and it draws only 70 milliamps off of a pair of fresh Duracell D sized alks. 4 to 5 days continuous runtime...not too shabby.
Those big alkaline cells really shine when it comes to low level power draw longevity.
I just picked up a 41-1643 and it draws only 70 milliamps off of a pair of fresh Duracell D sized alks. 4 to 5 days continuous runtime...not too shabby.
Those big alkaline cells really shine when it comes to low level power draw longevity.

The problem with using these in a D cell light is chances are the batteries would leak before they are half used up if you don't use it 100s of hours worth.
Picked up a couple of the Dorcy 41-1643 from Sears today and while it was tagged at $3.99 it came up as $2.99 each at register.

The one I tried so far is actually quite nice in lights like a Rayovac 2AA (yellow).
Good tip on finding a great price on them at Sears, thank you.

The lower-power one is indeed great in 2xAA PR2 lights (we find them for 25 cents at garage sales)

I'd been buying them from, watching for sales there.

Canada has them cheap, but Sears in the US is expensive about $8? each last time I checked. I would buy a few of them at $4 each but when it gets closer to $10 I would rather toss the light and buy an LED one for $14-$25.
Hey guys..

I`ve been looking online for the Dorcy 41-1644 for my m@g 3d (3batteries) ,but couldnt find something cheap to send it to me in Japan.

please PM if one of you guys is willing to send one of these to me I would be really glad! or 2....., 1 of 41-1643 and 1 of 41-1644
I picked up the Dorcy 41-1017 lantern [4 LED, 4xAA] from Target for about seven bucks since it was advertised as having a 70hr runtime.

I unscrewed all the main parts and was surprised to find a PR drop-in with four LEDs attached inside:

Will this Dorcy LED Drop in work for any flashlight, or only Maglites?

should work in any light that takes a pr based bulb unlike some mag dropins where the focus is nuts leaving donut holes. I haven't tried these specific ones but I have a lux dropin I am sure was made by dorcy from a craftsman light.
These seem pretty good. I picked up a 2-cell unit from Sears recently and put it in an old 2D RayoVac. I like it better than some of the earlier drop-ins. It also worked well in a Mag but I think I like keeping the old Ray running. I agree, these should be good in small lights.

The following is a message that I posted in the "Canada Good Deals cont'd" thread on cpfmarketplace. Anyways we've been discussing these bulbs on there for a while but they really deserve their own thread which is what this thread is. So I am double posting my message here as well.


I sent the following email to Dorcy support to see whether these bulbs
are bi-directional in regards to polarity. Anyways, they claimed that
they "SHOULD BE". So I tested one of the 3/4 cell bulbs and it looks
like it is in fact bidirectional. It didn't burn out when I changed the polarity. I guess the reason they produced a 2-cell and a 3/4-cell bulb, rather than a single 2-4 cell bulb, is that they probably couldn't fit all the electronics in the can to make it bi-directional and be able to run off 2-4 cells. I haven't checked the 2-cell version as I don't ever see using it in anything but a flashlight with positive applied to the base.

P.S. I am also posting this message to the other thread that is actually devoted to these bulbs.



They should be bi-directional

Mike Riley
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Dorcy International

From: Mark Craddock
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 10:42 AM
To: Mike Riley
Subject: FW: FW: technical question

Know the answer?

From: Peter P
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 2:54 AM
To: Mark Craddock
Subject: Re: FW: technical question

Hi Again:

I sent you this email some time ago and I thank you for your reply.
Anyways I have used these bulbs and they work great. The polarity
profile I have used is to apply positive to the base of the bulb and
negative to the bulb can. However there is an individual who claims
they are using these in a Dorcy lantern which applies negative to the
base of the bulb and positive to the bulb can. So i'm wondering if in
fact these bulbs may be bidirectional in regards to polarity. I would
think that having bulbs that potentially burn out due to the
application of incorrect polarity probably generates alot of returns of
product as defective. It would make more sense to produce a bulb that
can handle any polarity profile. So i'm thinking that this is what has
been corrected in this new design. Of course I could try a reverse
polarity test on one of my own bulbs, however I'm somewhat skittish
since I don't want to inadvertently blow one of my bulbs in case the
other person is wrong. So I was wondering if you could find out for me
and if so, could test it out yourself and let me know, This would apply
to the following bulbs

41-1644 40 Lumen 4.5V - 6V LED Replacement Bulb

41-1643 30 Lumen 3V Replacement Bulb

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I don't understand why they sell them at sears so much cheaper in Canada than here in the states.
I don't understand why they sell them at sears so much cheaper in Canada than here in the states.

Well. at Fry's they're the same price, 4 bucks. What that tells me is that that is what the price should be. I'll bet you that eventually US Sears will eventually readjust their price. In the meantime maybe you can try to pricematch if that's possible. Just give it some time.
Well. at Fry's they're the same price, 4 bucks. What that tells me is that that is what the price should be. I'll bet you that eventually US Sears will eventually readjust their price. In the meantime maybe you can try to pricematch if that's possible. Just give it some time.

No fry's within 100 miles of here, never been to one so pricematching is not possible. Sears rarely lowers prices on this type of stuff, either it is one price or on clearance and their clearances sometimes last for years.....
No fry's within 100 miles of here, never been to one so pricematching is not possible. Sears rarely lowers prices on this type of stuff, either it is one price or on clearance and their clearances sometimes last for years.....
You could always try price matching with Sears in Canada lol.

Sears in US does have a much more variety of lights compared to the basic selection in Canada.
You could always try price matching with Sears in Canada lol.

Sears in US does have a much more variety of lights compared to the basic selection in Canada.

I may have to find someone that lives near a fry's to buy me a few and mail them to me when I get more funds stocked up in my paypal. I thought about making dropins as I have emitters and the bases but no boost/buck circuits or aluminum heatsinks to use.

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