Drill Doctor


I had a whole tray full (maybe 100) of dull bits and sharpened them all in one sitting.
I don't know the model number off hand.... But I got the bigger one to do larger drill bits also.

Yep, Drill Doctor is great. It's one of those rare things that are as easy to use and work just as good as you see in the infomercials. Especially useful if you are going to do much drilling in steel. As soon as your progress starts slowing, pop out the bit, sharpen it up in the DD, and then keep on trucking.
Yes you do, but I don't think whoever invented it intended it to be sharpened. I think TiN coated bits are a big waste of money, either buy HSS or cobalt, which will perform the same no matter how many times you sharpen them.
I tried using a Drill Doctor a couple of times at my last job. It might have just been me, but I never could get that thing to do a decent job. I finally gave up on it and went back to sharpening my bits on the bench grinder. Works much better.
I haven't had much luck with the DD either. In the end, I figured it was due to use of inferior drills, which lose their heat treat easily, and sharpening a dull drill that has no heat treat won't get you far at all.

For the $$$$ they get for a Drill Doctor I'd rather throw dull drills in the trash and buy new replacements. (As a home user, I only go through MAYBE a handful of drills per year.)

I did try a DD on a good-quality drill and it didn't want to grind the steel...
My grandfather had a drill docotor, and he had good results with it. +1 on the cobalt bits, they are some of the best. Cobalt steel, not Kobalt brand.
I haven't had much luck with the DD either. In the end, I figured it was due to use of inferior drills, which lose their heat treat easily, and sharpening a dull drill that has no heat treat won't get you far at all.

Still I think it shouldn't loose heat treatment unless you heat it up too much, are you using proper drilling methods?
I have one, and absolutely love it! Its saved me a lot of time and money. If you have the drill bit set properly, you should get a perfect point when done sharpening. Great investment, and sure beats hand grinding!!!