Drive-in Theaters


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2004
July 3rd I went to the Tiger Drive-in with the Wife and kiddies and watched WALL E under the stars. It was really fun with the sound coming from the FM stereo broadcast. The kids enjoyed being able to move around the back of the truck and have unlimited drinks from the cooler and popcorn.

Does anyone else goto the drive-in?
That just brings back fond memories with my Mom, Dad, and my little brother. Last time I went to a drive-in theater was over thirty (30+) years ago watching Disney movies. . .:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
We have a Star Light Drive In here. Havnt been to it in a year. Need to go sometime but with 2 jobs and such its hard to get everyone together.

Here is the website for ours.
i used to go to the drive-in at least twice a month. right before i moved from indianapolis it closed down....and i havent looked for one nearby here in orlando.
yeah, i like drive in better than movies. we would just fold the seats and lie at the back of the suv, very cozy.
In San Diego there used to be one by Mt Soledad and Highway 5. I think it was called the Pacific Drive In or something. Got torn down for a housing development. Used to go over and watch StarWars. There was a road that ran uphill beside the drive in and you could sit up there and watch the movie for free. When the Millennium Falcon blew out of Mos Eisley it looked like it just kept going into the night sky.
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For a poor, rural teenager, the drive-in was about the only legitimate "date night" activity.

Every now and then, I'll catch a whiff of a lady's classic "Shalimar" perfume and man, does that take me back to hot summer nights, a 60 Chevy p/up and who cares about the movie.

The cool guys that had the lowered primer grey '50 Fords would roll in slowly, head to the back row and park with their trunk TOWARD the screen -- thereby telling the world what they were really there for!!!!
Going to one tonight, the girls want to see Wall E , here is a link to the one that is like 5 miles from my house. . It used to have just one screen but they just added a second one this year.
Been to the local drive-in twice. Would rather grab new movies via torrent...

Don't get me wrong, I love watching movies at home especially once I get my theater room done. But it is nice being able to watch a movie under the stars under an enormous screen. It's even better when you get to see one when you're in the mountains.

I can't wait to see one of those IMAX 3D movies. Has anyone been to one of those?
What a wonderful generational span CPF has. I'm reminiscing about '50 Fords and you guys are talking about torrent.
I can't wait to see one of those IMAX 3D movies. Has anyone been to one of those?
Are you meaning outdoors drive in IMAX? :thinking:

I've been to the Domed IMAX and the "Flat" IMAX. That's awesome, though some complain about neck strain because you have to keep moving your head around to see the "whole" picture! :D

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