Dud Cells?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 3, 2006
Western Australia
I just bought two 4-packs of Energiser NiMH cells.

I cannot charge them ( tried both a Swallow charger and a Powerbase C-T3, both of which can trickle charge) and I cannot use them or discharge them in the Swallow, even at 100mA.

The Powerbase actually has a special pre-charge capability if the cells are in need of a fix, but this did not help.

For me, they are no good and I want to return them, but I just thought I would check first, in case of arguments at the store.

Thanks for any advice.

The Energizer 2500 cells (I assume that's what you have) have proven themselves to be utter junk. You're probably best to return them and get a different brand.
The Energizer 2500 cells (I assume that's what you have) have proven themselves to be utter junk. You're probably best to return them and get a different brand.

Oh...ok. Plain enough said. :D

I did have a set and was not impressed, but mainly with the way the covering peeled away leaving bare metal. One did fail, but I assumed it was just me.

I will rid myself of them forthwith.

Thanks for that

I have been using the Energizer AA 2450 mAh with good results in some toys and flashlights. The AAA 900 mAh have been working in my PT headlamp for about 4 months and seem good. Recharged both sets maybe 20 times so I am no real expert on the topic. Why are the 2500 so bad? I don't question the experts on CPF. But just thinking why going to 2500 seemed to be a problem. A friend uses Duracell (2600+ mAh I think) in a GPS for about a year with good results and that GPS is used every day for the car. Wonder why Duracell has not had the same issues as Energizer for the higher mAh NiMH?
It was the 2500 cells specifically that had problems, in all brands (Sanyo included). The Duracell 2650's are quite good for high cap cells. The Energizer 2450 cells are fairly new, but after their bad stint with the 2500's, I don't think I would personally chance them. I'm almost entirely using LSD now though.
It was the 2500 cells specifically that had problems, in all brands (Sanyo included). The Duracell 2650's are quite good for high cap cells. The Energizer 2450 cells are fairly new, but after their bad stint with the 2500's, I don't think I would personally chance them. I'm almost entirely using LSD now though.

Interesting. I have some Sanyo 2100 and they have been great. I did not know about this hi-cap problem.

That last sentence. Please explain. I read it and thought "Oh well, future posts could be _really_ interesting! <G>..Serious...LSD?

Sorry. Brain f&*t. Low self drain. DUH!

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Marduke's on LSD, and Energizer 2500s & 2450s have that newfangled "High Self-Discharge" feature.

Actually it's not that funny. The Energisers I bought try to make themselves sound special "hold their charge for up to 6 months (when fully charged will hold up top 80%).

One of them was at about 0.7 V out of the packet. The others were at 1.1 V.

I also thought my older ones were good. But when my light got dim I found that one of them was at about 0.5V, while the others were OK.


It was the 2500 cells specifically that had problems, in all brands (Sanyo included). The Duracell 2650's are quite good for high cap cells. The Energizer 2450 cells are fairly new, but after their bad stint with the 2500's, I don't think I would personally chance them. I'm almost entirely using LSD now though.

For the past 20 months, I've been using some NiMH 2700mah AAs in a digital camera, B&H Photo store-brand. No issues so far.
For the past 20 months, I've been using some NiMH 2700mah AAs in a digital camera, B&H Photo store-brand. No issues so far.

I am sure there are a lot of perfectly good 2500+ mAH cells out there. But it's like XP sp3. If only 3/4 of the users are happy that's still a lot of good installations....but still way too many bad ones. :)

It was the 2500 cells specifically that had problems, in all brands (Sanyo included). The Duracell 2650's are quite good for high cap cells. The Energizer 2450 cells are fairly new, but after their bad stint with the 2500's, I don't think I would personally chance them. I'm almost entirely using LSD now though.

It was specifically Sanyo cells that had a problem, and it showed up in the Energizer and maybe Duracell labelled versions of those cells as well as under Sanyo's own label.

I'm using Eneloops for everything now.
It was specifically Sanyo cells that had a problem, and it showed up in the Energizer and maybe Duracell labelled versions of those cells as well as under Sanyo's own label.

I'm using Eneloops for everything now.

Sheesh! All this re-badging makes a mockery of the different brands!

I knew there were a few shennagigans going on the battery world, but boy!

Certainly sounds like I need some LSD <G>

The Duracell 2650's are quite good for high cap cells.

What actual initial capacity has been borne out for the Duracell 2650's? I would not mind having a pair of non-LSD, high capacity cells if they do indeed return at least 2500 mAh in the real-world. Are they made in Japan, or that "other" place?

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