duracell 2650 mah do they worth the money?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 19, 2009
Citrus Heights
Hey guys i just ordered duracells 2650 mah. Then i started to read reviews about the cells. There are a lot of bad reviews about these cells. So now i am thinking if i made a right choice. I am planning to use them in my fenix e20 and ld20. My old rechargeable cells not performing really good. So if anybody use them or know anything about these cells please share the information, are they good or junk. and will i be able to charge them with the regular overnight charger or should i buy a duracell 15 minute charger. So if anybody know anything please help. :grin2:
Hey guys i just ordered duracells 2650 mah. So if anybody know anything please help. :grin2:

Eneloops/Duraloops are still better - the best.

But these are OK, depending on the price you paid for it. I got a good deal for mine. I paid about $1.65 each on-sale.
to be short, no.

from experience, it has super high discharging rate to the point that there's no point charging them unless you're planning to use them within the next 48hrs.
I sometimes use the 2650's in flashguns and RC toys. So long as they are not left to stand for 4 or 5 days they will provide more power than Eneloop or equivelend LSD's.

The problem is that when left to stand, they quickly self discharge. After one week they will retain less power than a 2000mAH Eneloop. For most things LSD's are a better option.
to be short, no.

from experience, it has super high discharging rate to the point that there's no point charging them unless you're planning to use them within the next 48hrs.

I have 4 of them and they self discharge too fast.
Only point on using this cells is to charge them and use them right away.
This way they are great but if you intend to use them to EDC forget it 2 weeks after charge they are nearly dead... actually one of the 4 after 2 week it reads 0,9v without any use!

So , I can only see 1 way for me to use them is to charge a set of 4 before a bike ride and use all the 4 in that trip.
Thanks guys for the iformation! Really helpfull. Now it seems that i just wasted 15 buck, thats how much i paid for them. So can anybody tell me what is the best ni-mh rechargables and what capacity should i buy for EDC. Thanks for help!!! lovecpf
Thanks guys for the iformation! Really helpfull. Now it seems that i just wasted 15 buck, thats how much i paid for them. So can anybody tell me what is the best ni-mh rechargables and what capacity should i buy for EDC. Thanks for help!!! lovecpf

Answered in post #2 and #4

Eneloops (and a smart charger)
or the white topped "duraloops" which are the precharged duracell 2000Mah AA batteries you can get from costco. just make sure they are the white topped made in japan ones and your golden. I just bought a 8AA pack with 2AAA for around 19 bucks from costco.
Word on the street is that the duracell 2650 cells are simply rebranded sanyo 2700's.

My experience has been that the duracells are hit and miss. There is a definite quality control issue. Usually half of them seem to be duds. The ones that aren't duds are usually fantastic. The bad ones seem to fail within the first few heavy discharges.

So, if you want to buy twice as many, to compensate for the likely 50 percent failure rate, you might be pleased with the ones that work.
.... 60%?
1.5V x 0.6 = 0.9V, pretty much exactly what i also have and that's next to unless.

its not just duracell rechargeables, energizer rechargeables are just as bad with similar discharge rates. ironically some cheapy chinese brand like GP actually fairs better from experience.
i think its because high capacity NiMH's tends to have higher discharge rates. that's why we don't see 2600NiMH Eneloops.
I am surprised to read that Duracell are not good, I think I earlier read somewhere that they belong to the best NiMh batteries.

Anyway I have decided to change out all of my usual AA NiMh (Duracell, GP and Vanson) to Eneloops. I am bored of the fast discharging of usual NiMh cells. Fully charged and just a few weeks later they are empty though unused.

If I understand it right a 2650mAh Duracell will provide longer runtime than a Eneloop if used directly from charged. But it needs only a week or so and the fast discharging of the Duracell will give it a shorter runtime than the Eneloop.

Regards, Patric
Word on the street is that the duracell 2650 cells are simply rebranded sanyo 2700's.

and that is correct.
i got a ton of these from biglots last year at $1 per 4 pack.
ran them through a break in cycle after a discharge.all had over 800mah in them right out of the package.
rebuilt a bunch of 2way packs with them.not one dud in 200 cells.
sounds like damage from abusive chargers to me.
these are yaesu ft-470 and ft-530 packs.some used in drop in fast chargers and some with dumb wallwarts.
just grabbed one off the shelf thats been sitting 3 months.12.74 volts on a 10 cell pack.not bad.
found the last pack of these i have.datecode 8j02j1
have a set in my modded arc-ls that has 60-70 cycles on them.still fine capacity wise.i may top em up and park them to see how they do self discharge wise.
as i have an unopened 4pack i can use 2 of those as a control and put the other 2 in service.
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...will i be able to charge them with the regular overnight charger or should i buy a duracell 15 minute charger. So if anybody know anything please help.

'Asked-N-Answered' SO many times already :) :

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  • The STICKYs, INSIDE the Main STICKY at the top of the page.
  • My GREEN Sig Line LINK below.
  • GOOGLE SEARCH at the top of the page. (My Sig Line LINKs has a 'How-To' for GOOGLE SEARCH Operators near the bottom)

Buying Eneloops and a SMART Charger that terminates properly (i.e.doesn't overheat / overcharge the cells) will curtail MANY problems from ever even appearing.

mine retain 60% of capacity after 30 days...
.... 60%?
1.5V x 0.6 = 0.9V, pretty much exactly what i also have

You're mixing APPLES and ORANGES, [i.e. C)apacity and V)oltage].

Please read: Please explain V)olts, A)mps, R)esistance, W)atts, and C)apacity.

For more informative LINKs, CLICK on my GREEN Sig Line LINK.

Sorry, but I dont understand this. Can you explain it a bit more?
:thumbsup: :popcorn:
Geez. I must be odd man out. Mine are something like 2 years old and seem to be fine. I don't use them all that often, and usually in a low use way, but I've no problems with them. I suppose, if I think of it, I recharge them twice a year, but if I need a light or a camera to work, it does. And zero failure rate.

I seem to get good runtime and good intensity. I've not metered them (why? they work and I own them)..

As you've read, and will read as you study more, charger quality may be more important then the cells you buy. I use a Maha CH-401 from thomas distributing and perhaps that helps. For darn sure none of these batteries has even been close to a $10, much less "free" charger.

I might, if I didn't have plenty of these, look at LSD.

Net: Get a good charger first.