E2 Lamp went out!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2001
San Diego, California


Dude! I've gone NOWHERE near the expect life of the bulb. I've gone through about 8 battery changes - which is only about 9-10 hours! I thought these where suppose to last 30 hours?! I hope it's not because i ran my batteries down completely on two occasions. Hey Craig, those runtime tests you have been doing on your E2...be carefull.

I don't know if any of you care, but i just had to release my anger. The place where i bought my torch doesn't sell replacement bulbs for the E2. THey say that Surefire has been having trouble with their lamp priductions - that is why they have been delayed the lamps. What kind of shi** is that? Oh well....

Looks like i'm gonna have to buy online with Money Order to Surefire. Man...that's such a hassle.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LEDagent:


Dude! I've gone NOWHERE near the expect life of the bulb. I've gone through about 8 battery changes - which is only about 9-10 hours! I thought these where suppose to last 30 hours?! I hope it's not because i ran my batteries down completely on two occasions. Hey Craig, those runtime tests you have been doing on your E2...be carefull.

I've gone through. Well used to before my E2 got hosed about 10 pairs. Always ran the batteries down. Bulb is still good. Sounds like you got a dud or could vibration have anything to do with it?

I would see if SF would replace it.
if sure fire won't replace it i would like to have it and i will send a SASE to you to send it to me. I am still interested in trying to make a led replacement out of one? I know that there are some others out there that have made one from scratch but i would like to try... email me if you decide to do that.
It's 2:50pm right now, and it turns out i'm doing a hopitality gig for a performance tonight. WHAT luck eh?! SHI*%!

I'm goin out right now to shop for a replacement, high powered torch. Here is my list...i'm leaving soon so i don't think i'll have time to see your responses.

Streamlight Scorpion.
Princeton Tec 40

My attire is semi-fomal, so i think the Streamlight Scorpion would be the best route. BUT the Prineton Tec 40 is pretty professional looking as well...
Sorry to hear about your loss. You know that if you buy a spare lamp (or 2) right away and check it you will never blow your original lamp (that's my theory anyway). I was shooting for about 10 to 15 battery changes between lamps. My light gets abused regularly. So far I am on 16 changes and still seems to be ok. I know one of these times I will put in some new batteries and POOF. For me the extreme brightness of the lamp is in part due to the shorter lamp life. I would go with the Scorpion if I couldn't carry my E2.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LEDagent:
Hey Craig, those runtime tests you have been doing on your E2...be carefull.

That's why I was reluctant to do them in the first place - no spare bulb!!

Guess I'll be taking the same route as you; wiating till I get some cash together, then firing off a money order to Surefire or TTS if they have them. I'd like to get a spare or two *BEFORE* I need it.
Thanks everyone for responding. Brock...i went and got the Scorpion. Is the Scorpian brighter than the E2 when focused? Or is it just me with a bad E2 bulb? I was suprised how bright the Scorpion was comapared to my E2, but then again, i did have discoloration in my E2 bulb.

Anyway, for 35 dollars, the Scorpian is one hell of a nice light. It's like stripping the E2 down to it's bare essentials, putting it in a well made housing, with no belt clip, or fancy anodizing. This is a well made light and is a must for a backup for the E2. I was thinkin of goin for the UKE 4aa for it's longevity, but it doesn't look professional when you are dressed nicely.

But boy, let me tell ya folkes, you never no what you are missing until you don't have your Surefire anymore. THe E2 just molds into my hands, whereas the Scorpion does not. But hey...35 dollars, i'm not complaining.
Quickbeam has mentioned LPStactical.com as a reputable dealer for Surefire lamps...plus the free shipping is something you can't beat. Do you know if they accept money orders?

I really miss my E2 you guys, the little guy wants to hop back into my pockets...i just know it. He told me the other day.

P.S. Hey Bushman, check your email. If you still want the lamp you can have it. Just send the SASE (whatever that is) and i'll send it right to you. If not, i can mail it myself...it can't be more that 2-3 dollars right?
LEDagent, yup I would say the Scorpion is a bit brighter then the E2. But then again the Scorpion is using 5.3w and the E2 is using 5.0w So the E2 will run longer. I agree with you about the "feel" of the E2, you just can't beat it.
Hey LEDagent,

SASE stands for 'Self Addressd Stamped Envelope'!

Hope that helps?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
I really miss my E2 you guys, the little guy wants to hop back into my pockets...i just know it. He told me the other day.


Me too brother. Me too.
I just have parts of an E2 staring at me. SF said I should have my E2e today. Ah.. wouldn't that be a relief.