E2 LOLA and snow = :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2002
Grand Rapids
I went hunting Saturday morning and it was snowing very hard. I got to the woods about an hour and a half before light and it was very dark. When I started to walk to my stand I realized that my E1E with KL1 that I had been using to get to my stand was just not bright enough to cut through the heavy snow. I then pulled out my X10 and that was way too much light, as it just blinded me reflecting off the snow, even with the 110 lumen lamp. So next I tried my 6P and still too bright, the next light on my list was the E2 with the LOLA. This was the perfect light I was able to see far enough out into the wood to make my way and not blind my self. It just goes to show that there is the perfect light for every application.
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That sure is an excellent illustration, Jtivat! Although I don't hunt, I have a small (by CPF standards) selection of lights for different situations. Even being able to switch between LED bulb and incadescant bulb in same light is useful.
From one hunter to another how did you do? I hope you could still carry your gun. My SF 6c is my constant companion while hunting though a new Arc AAA now hangs around my neck.
Good observation. I just bought a G2 for the intended purpose of using it to navigate through the woods in the early morning hours during hunting season. However, when I started into the woods, I realized that it was way too bright. The E20 outdoorsman appeals to me for that reason. I believe that it's lola lamp assembly, larger pocket clip, and H3 anodized finish would be perfect for hunting. I still carry my G2 as a back-up and possible night time blood tracking light, but I hope to order an E20 by next hunting season. The fact that it has a two and a half hour burn time as opposed to one hour would also be very benificial. Hopefully the price will drop by then as well. Thanks for the conformation of my previous evaluation.

Originally posted by kiffvegmgt:
From one hunter to another how did you do? I hope you could still carry your gun. My SF 6c is my constant companion while hunting though a new Arc AAA now hangs around my neck.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Not to bad its quit a long story but here is a link to it. My deer story
jtivat, you carry way too much stuff!
Originally posted by tkl:
jtivat, you carry way too much stuff!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I took me some time to pack my backpack and make it all fit.
Here is the full list I carry for hunting.
Infinity Ultra
Originally posted by jtivat:
Here is the full list I carry for hunting.
Infinity Ultra
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">dang! i only have a streamlight sl-20 in my truck, photon II on my keychain and soon to be e2e in my pocket.
Here is my rational for carrying so much light while hunting. If I shot a deer just before dark and find it right away. I then still need to field dress it and drag it out. The deer that I got this season took me about thirty minutes to dress and about one hour to drag out as my stand is about 3/4 of mile from where I park plus it is very hilly. Now if the animal is not so easy to track it could take two to three hours or more just to find. So as you can see I need to have at least 4 to 6 hours of good bright light. Which the Surge and X10 LOLA should provide.