E2D LED Modification?


Mar 11, 2007
What are some of the LED mods for this light? post pics or links to walk throughs if they are available. I wanted to mod one for my brother. I've used the search already and it showed some old sales threads,

Thanks in advance.
The simplest way to upgrade an E2D to led, is to buy a KX2 head. Essentially converting it to an E2L. No fuss, no hacking around, just screw off, screw on, your're done.
The only drop in that I am currently aware of is the E-MT-F2:http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=186193

I have heard of OpticsHQ head with impact bezel:

I have seen successful conversions taking a black (or HA) KL4 and screwing the E2D bezel onto it.

Some modders can drill out the reflector, extend the threads, and make the head aleph LE compatible. I have a E1e head converted like this.

That sums up most of the things I am aware of. The simplest way to keep the bezel is to get the E-MT F2.

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Thanks schiesz, I've seen that drop in already, I wish they could have cleaned it up a bit like hiding the wires inside the heatsink. i looks like it works great but its not the cleanest looking. I recall someone drilling out an E2E head like you mentioned, it was a pretty decent job.. if anyone knows what I'm talking about, please feel free to link me.

Thanks for the responses guys. I know there are more folks out there with E2E or E2D with an LED in it so please speak up. :thumbsup:

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