E2e, M2


May 5, 2002
Is there a significant differerce between the E2e and the M2?
What do you mean???
Significant differences:

The M2 features a Shock Isolated Bezel.
The M2 can use the P61 High Output Lamp Assembly (it comes with both the P60 & P61.
The M2 has Double o-rings on the TailCap allowing increased water-resistance for being able to use it underwater.
The M2 has a CombatGrip feature.
The M2 has parts interchangeability with several WeaponLight models.
The M2 can be made rechargeable.
The M2 can be turned into a TurboHead model.
The body can be extended to accept three SF123As and lamps swapped to P90/P91, and with a TurboHead, the N2, MN15 & MN16 lamps.
The M2 has Bezel-mounted accessories such as BeamFilters (FM6x Series) that are interchangealbe with the 8AX/8NX.
The M2 has CombatHolster interchangeability with the 8AX/8NX.
The M2 is built to withstand harsh abuse.

The M2 and E2e are very different children from the same parents. You can see the family traits...

Both the M2 & E2e feature -
Hard Anodising.
AR coated Pyrex Lenses.
Anti-roll Bezel features.
PocketClip with Lanyard Attach Point.
Both use two SF123As.
Both have SureFire quality beams.

indeed, excellent complarison. Are there any apparent advantages to a m3 as opposed to a m2 + a19 (if that is the correct body extender)?

- Pete
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pjenkins00:
indeed, excellent complarison. Are there any apparent advantages to a m3 as opposed to a m2 + a19 (if that is the correct body extender)?

- Pete

Yes, the M3 lamp assemblies produce better quality & brighter beams. The M3 bezel is larger & has a larger reflector also.

M2 with A19 uses P90 (105 lu) & P91 (200 lu) lamp assemblies & you lose combat grip.
The M3 uses the MN10 (125 lu) & MN11 (225 lu) lamp assemblies w/combat grip.
I can understand that with the huge product range that SureFire has, there are few that understand it all, and those that do come close don't have the time or priority to correct tpyos etc.

Obviously, I get things muddled too. Fixing SureFire's tpyos would take months. Perhaps I could have a job for life?!

I'd love to have a "poor man's" M2 if the HOLA were available for the E2e. That would be a perfect fit for me. But I guess if I want brighter now, I'll need to go with the M2. But as soon as I start looking at the M2, I want the M3. And then I keep telling myself that I won't buy anymore lights that aren't regulated... and then...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
I'd love to have a "poor man's" M2 if the HOLA were available for the E2e. That would be a perfect fit for me. But I guess if I want brighter now, I'll need to go with the M2. But as soon as I start looking at the M2, I want the M3. And then I keep telling myself that I won't buy anymore lights that aren't regulated... and then...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Darell, I'm telling myself and sticking with it that I will not buy anymore incandescent lights that aren't regulated. I sure can't wait for the day when I can say I'm not buying anymore incandescent lights period. That will happen when 100 plus lumen LED lights are available and semi-affordable. Those reasons are why I have banished the M3 off of my wish list.
yeah.... "Banish" is such a *strong* term though. It is still on my list, but just in pencil

Don't know why, but I just have the itch about really wanting the ability to blind somebody if the need arises.

what was this topic about? forgot. Good dialog though.

You need to work for SF as public relations. You can fix all their typos on their website and catalog. Al = Walking SF Dictionary.

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