EagleTac 18650 Specifications


Apr 21, 2009
A Place Called HOME
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Nicole of EagleTac was kind enough to forward this specification when requested upon. please find the following specifications extracted from the document (to keep the image size down). hope it helps in your testing and evaluation as much as it helps me. :naughty:

Protection Circuit:

The Battery (extracted and translated):

partly translated using Google Translation service
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Nicole of EagleTac was kind enough to forward this specification when requested upon. please find the following specifications extracted from the document (to keep the image size down). hope it helps in your testing and evaluation as much as it helps me.

Thanks. Great to see a smaller manufacturer releasing the technical specification :thumbsup: Could you share the full document?
additional information added... and a disclaimer... :whistle:

:thinking: Something bad happened to charge and discharge rates - 0.5C is not 2400mA (2400mA=1C). I think it's strange that the maximum charge and discharge currents are equal (=1.3C) - for a LiCoO2 the discharge current was usually much higher than the charge current.
for a LiCoO2 the discharge current was usually much higher than the charge current.
that's what I tot... :shrug: but since it's the manufacturer's "recommended" max discharge current, it could potentially go higher :D
i also notice there are some physical different between different batches of the battery, the newer batch seems to be ~1mm shorter than older batch and it "slide" in nicely onto WF-139 charger whereas the older batch require some force to fit it in :thinking:

Something bad happened to charge and discharge rates - 0.5C is not 2400mA (2400mA=1C).
ok... i've triple check, it really says 0.5C (2400mA) which I think you are right, something is wrong... see below the original:
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ok... i've triple check, it really says 0.5C (2400mA) which I think you are right, something is wrong...

Well, maybe it is supposed to mean 0.5C (where 1C is 2400mA). Nevertheless, even if that's what they meant, this notation would be very strange and misleading.