Eagletac P10C2 or Fenix TK11


Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2008
Looking to pick up a new EDC for work (Corrections Officer) and am tossed up between the Eagletac P10C2 or Fenix TK11. Reading about hte P10C2, it seems like a pretty phenominal light (around $66US / ~$75 Canadian). The TK11 also seems pretty awesome if used with 18650's (around $139 Canadian) for the extended run time. I am wondering if anyone can state which of these has futher throw, brighter beam, overall higher quality build. I already own the T1. Is the TK11 and good upgrade, or is there really not much difference at all. Thank you in advance.
Not sure about difference but have heard Eagletac throws more i may be rong tho so sorry if i am, I recently got my Fenix tk11 and love it to bits cracking throw and fantastic runtime ive been out 3 nites in a row all for 3 hours + and am still running on the same 18650 although i will probably change for next hike or jst take a spare battery with me. Torch feels solid and fits in my pocket perfect although i usually jst have the lanyard round my wrist the light is never out of my hand lol.
I would expect that build quality of both lights will be comparable. But if it comes to throw the TK11 throws better than old Fenix T1 and all Eagletac lights.
Consider the T10C2 or the T10L instead. THe t models, with the larger head give a very powerful spill. THe just light up everything in front of you....no need to search around for the hot spot. These lights don't throw as far as the Tk11 in case you need maximum throw.

The Eagletacs are a good bit lighter in weight- The Quality is excellent, and the two levels are super easy to access. THe low is more like medium, and the high is just full blown awesome. If you get the Eagletacs, the T series is just a bit more expensive, and the head slightly larger, but the brighter spill is worth it.

Mrgman just did a series of test in an accurate sphere. THe Eagletac gave an honest 270 measured lumens. The T1 was in the 220 range I think.
If you want weight and max throw- get the TK11. If you want max power and super quality- get the Eagletac.
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I got the Fenix TK11 for my first high end light and what a light it is. Still craving more. What's happening to me? Already bought 3 Coleman Max lights and an led upgrade for my 4D Maglite. Looking at the Eagletacs and Olight Warrior now.
Thank you all. Guess I will have to get both. lol TK11 for long range, and an Eagletac T10... Wwwooooo Man oh man is my wallet pissed at me. lol
I think the T10L is one of the best options available on the market right now if you are planning on running an 18650.

The TK11s runtime on an 18650 is deceiving, it's a direct drive light on an 18650, so it drops in output through the discharge. This is more efficient, and results in much more impressive runtime figures, but can't be directly compared to truly regulated options that are dedicated 18650 powered lights, like the T10L and a few others.
I bought the TK11 as my 18650 light for the simple reason that it is direct drive:thinking:,i know your all wondering why.
I camp quiet a bit in the summertime and i prefer the longer runtimes.Last year i had a light (which was regulated) turn off on me without warning while i was hiking back to my campsite.
Man talk about pitch black,i couldn't see my hand in front of me.
Luckely i had a backup light.
The TK11 is very bright with a 18650 for a very long time,holding this light in my hands i picture someone putting it underneath a heavy steel door in a hollywood movie and it holds it no problem with no damage.;)

Take care
I bought the TK11 as my 18650 light for the simple reason that it is direct drive:thinking:,i know your all wondering why.
I camp quiet a bit in the summertime and i prefer the longer runtimes.Last year i had a light (which was regulated) turn off on me without warning while i was hiking back to my campsite.
Man talk about pitch black,i couldn't see my hand in front of me.
Luckely i had a backup light.
The TK11 is very bright with a 18650 for a very long time,holding this light in my hands i picture someone putting it underneath a heavy steel door in a hollywood movie and it holds it no problem with no damage.;)

Take care
Regulated lights running on primaries DO NOT turn off on the first second the battery loses energy. They just run unregulated till the energy is totally drained. It's the protect li-ion battery that shuts itself off.
Regulated lights running on primaries DO NOT turn off on the first second the battery loses energy. They just run unregulated till the energy is totally drained. It's the protect li-ion battery that shuts itself off.

Yes, that's right. Fenix TK10 has a great function. When the batteries don't still can provide enough voltage to hold the turbomode the light starts to flicker a while and short after that the brightness fast drop down to about the low mode. But it doesn't suddenly turn off, the brightness slowly drops down and you will have usable light during some hours. I gave up to measure the time until totaly off, but it was at least 2-3 hours or more. That's good, because you don't risk to suddenly be left in the dark!
If you are not without new cells in a case of emergency, but wants to have maximum brightness the whole time, you know that it's time to change to new cells when the flickering starts.

Regards, Patric
Regulated lights running on primaries DO NOT turn off on the first second the battery loses energy. They just run unregulated till the energy is totally drained. It's the protect li-ion battery that shuts itself off.

That's good to know,but i think your putting words in my mouth.Perhaps it's my fault i should of been more specific.
The light i was using (E2DL) didn't have primaries in it,i was using 2, 3V LifeP04 RCR123's and i don't think they're protected . The light works great with these,total brightness for 40 min. no dimming whatsoever then OFF.
I always have a spare set charged.

Take care.
That's good to know,but i think your putting words in my mouth.Perhaps it's my fault i should of been more specific.
The light i was using (E2DL) didn't have primaries in it,i was using 2, 3V LifeP04 RCR123's and i don't think they're protected . The light works great with these,total brightness for 40 min. no dimming whatsoever then OFF.
I always have a spare set charged.

Take care.
Read this:

The Fenix TK11 throws further than the T1 but has a narrower beam with dim spill and lot of rings, which is why I prefer the T1. The EagleTac blows both of the Fenixes away. I keep my T1 in my unit as a spare, but the lights on my duty belt are both EagleTacs....