The Harbor Freight 3D luxeon flashlight is a direct drop-in for the P7 star (from KD). The reflector opening is just the right size for the larger P7 dome. There is just a vestige of a donut hole and the beam has a lot of flood.
I was getting about 2.2 amps with 3 Duracell D-cells, but it dropped down to about 1.8 fairly quickly. It would be much better with 3 NiMH D-cells. Even so, the ceiling bounce test still places it between my ROP low (2C Maglite with 2 18650s) and the ROP high (6 AA Eneloops). I would guess about 600-700 lumens. I love 15 minute mods that work!
I was getting about 2.2 amps with 3 Duracell D-cells, but it dropped down to about 1.8 fairly quickly. It would be much better with 3 NiMH D-cells. Even so, the ceiling bounce test still places it between my ROP low (2C Maglite with 2 18650s) and the ROP high (6 AA Eneloops). I would guess about 600-700 lumens. I love 15 minute mods that work!