Easter Bunnies

Only 3 days to work next week...:)

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kingoftf said:
Only 3 days to work next week...:)
Lucky you, this is my week off, next is my week on. Friday will be an almost 10 hour day for me, along with Sat being a 12 hour day. But atleast Friday I'll be making time and 1/2:sold:
You are the lucky one. I work 17 hours every Thursday and minimum 8-10 hours Sunday through Wenesday. When we are busy I am lucky if I even get a day off having to work 12 hour days with my Thursdays included. On salary...no overtime.:awman:
Omega Man said:
Lucky you, this is my week off, next is my week on. Friday will be an almost 10 hour day for me, along with Sat being a 12 hour day. But atleast Friday I'll be making time and 1/2:sold:

I also have a wide angle colour CCTV camera placed high in their indoor cage, supplemented by a 2.4ghz Camera, which is plumbed into my household RF distribution system, so we can watch Bunnies in every room !!

I also have a wireless remote switching floor lamp, so we can turn off, or on, their illumination.

So we can watch bunnies just before we go to sleep, and if we hear noises in the night.

We love our Bunnies !!!
No-one else got Bunnies ?

Go on, get those cameras clicking...
MayCooper said:
We love our bunnies too!!

We have to... They are evil and planning to take over the world... Better to have them as friends or we will all be made to suffer when their masterplan is executed...

I love bunnies too but I am not worried about them taking over the world; I have a few good recipes to prevent that plan to prevail ;-).
Bunnies with lips?? lol

Wouldn't that be a 'Hare' lip? :crackup:

I was kinda hoping to see a few of Mr Heffner's girls in this thread...

anyone...anyone??? Post dem pics!!
If that Sharon Stone comes anywhere near here, I'll ......................

(Glenn Close too, thanks)
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abvidledUK said:
If that Sharon Stone comes anywhere near here, I'll ......................
Methinks you mean Glenn Close(Fatal Attraction)...?
Don't worry, this guy is ready:
Looks like a french lop-eared rabbit, that forgot that it needs to have its ears lop :)

Other giant races are the english giant lop and the flemmish giant, but those are slightly more sleeker built.

One of my buddies had a french lop that was just under 3' when laying stretched out on the floor. The beast actually obeyed commands and came storming at you when you entered the room, much like a dog would.

Another fact about rabbits, usually the bigger they are, the more docile they are. its the little ones (like polish dwarf) that can get very agressive. Rabbits will usually fight to death if they get into a fight, but will try to escape first. Except for the rabbit I had as a kid, (a polish dwarf) who actually killed my neighbours cat without even looking for a way to escape... the little bugger was kind of territorial...