Ego search


*Flashaholic* ,
Dec 13, 2002
Hawthorne, NV
Was reading this article, and a little bored. I ran my name in Google a couple times back when, and got nada. (A felon shares it. :D ) I punched in my screen name and got 27 pages! (No, I didn't attempt to read them!) 99% were from 4 boards I frequent, and most from CPF! Google is watching you! :D

Larry, Google does crawl through CPF very often, almost on a daily basis....

The PageRank system now is not their primary mechanizm, now a days, you will find blogs, forums and more recent articles are frequented (crawled) more often.

Sites like (whole network), (all 9 sites),, and similar tech/gizmo/gadget sites are crawled more than once a day by google. This helps google to serve newer results.
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When I search for my name I find there's another Daniel with the same surname who was a professor at a large college. He was in the computer sci department, so every one of his students seem to have posted a page mentioning him.

I do find about 100 mentions when I google my full name.

Strangely, my profile page at Bulk's site pops up on the first page (but I've never posted there), but not my CPF profile. :shrug:
A now-deceased Italian politician had my exact name and surname. Being that it's a pretty damn rare combination around here, I can find nothing on the net other than pages about him.

A search for my nickname gives a lot of results about the building and a few results about the album of the same name by singer Lisa Miskovsky, which is where I got my nickname from. I can get results on some message boards I frequent if I limit the search field to specific websites, which means they'd eventually come up in a global search as well, but I don't have the patience to go through all those pages.
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My name is pretty generic for a vietnamese unless people know me, they won't know which is me when they google me. It's like looking for a "John Smith". haha.
I was named administrator in a will in 1759 in New York. I also married Elizabeth Billings on September 5 of that year.

1759 was a good year for me. :D

The rest of it is really me.
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A now-deceased Italian politician had my exact name and surname. Being that it's a pretty damn rare combination around here, I can find nothing on the net other than pages about him.

A search for my nickname gives a lot of results about the building and a few results about the album of the same name by singer Lisa Miskovsky, which is where I got my nickname from. I can get results on some message boards I frequent if I limit the search field to specific websites, which means they'd eventually come up in a global search as well, but I don't have the patience to go through all those pages.

I live pretty near the house. It's quite nice, but was not anchored well to the riverbed. The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is working very hard to keep it from sliding down into the water.
I got one result from my full name.... A blurb I left on the TOPS knives website 3 years ago.

My user-name returned 393,000 matches. Some of which are actually names of companies. Including one that makes diode laser devices.

And there's also an album called "Monocrom" (1999).
Had no clue. :shrug:
My full name returned 300,000 results, first result (and majority of the hits from what I can tell) point to a tennis player.

I wish google would implement a function to exclude merchant sites. Everytime I try to search for some product, or reviews of it, 99% of the result is useless.
I seem to have a global exclusive on "mechBgon" :) One interesting result was the bad guys plotting to send lawyers after me and some other top SiteAdvisor reviewers for steering people away from their websites.