FWIW.. There are a few Element branded Dorcy look-alikes that probably originate from the same fabricator in China.
IMHO 3AAA direct-drive lights should be avoided unless you use eneloops or can mod them for a 18650 rechargeable. AAA alkalines discharge too aggressively from their initial blaze for use in a direct drive. Still though with good NiMH cells that light should emit about 70-100L throughout the charge and it has a very good reflector that reflects a nice tight beam.
I have the older version dorcy, with an aspheric and its very soft aluminum. I dropped it once from about waist high and it dented the bezel. Not just a cosmetic ding mind you, it actually smashed the bezel with an ob-round flat spot. It doesn't affect the optical performance though.
If you can get it in store I say got for it. $15 each, in store availability, 70-100L, tight hot-spot, hard to beat that. just don't drop the thing:thumbsup: