ELL info please


Aug 11, 2000
EL material is essentially a plastic film. I imagine it would be quite flexible, but I'm sure there are limits. I do not believe it
needs to be in a special case.

A search done on the google search engine turns up a large number of sites with info, products, etc. That might help answer at least some of your questions.

Here's at least one good link I found:


<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by DaveH on 01-22-2001 at 01:43 PM</font>
Good morning,
I have not found the answer to my questions in the forum, and any info would be appreciated.

Must ELL be contained within a hard case? Or is it possable to use ELL in a flexable application? (Any ideas on who might supply such a thing, designed to spec?)

I am trying to evaluate the feasablity of of using custom desinged ELL in a flexable application, using batery power. This would be a small specialty piece, not intended to provide usefull illumination. (Just a small illuminated piece that looks cool, is flexable and portable.)

Please advise. Thanks.
