EMT needs Flashlight.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 19, 2008
Ok I have been lurking here a while and this is my first post. Yes, sorry another which light to buy post. But I am confused and if I get 100 answers that is good.

I went to Costco and bought a Letherman Monarch 500 which is pretty useless I would like something without rings on the defuser. When walking down a hallway or accross lawns I want nice diffused light. This is where i use it most. I guess I am leaning towards the Fenix t1 but I can't find one to go see.

So here is what I want:

It needs to be bright, car accident bright, if it has a dim and bright setting even better.

Needs to have a defuser.

Needs to be samll this is on my belt all day so the smaller and ligher the better. As long as it is not to small and still fits in my hands well.

Perfer AAA or AA but will consider lith ion after all I read.

Doesn't need to last really long 5 hours is ok. I rathor have the light output.

Also a case included is nice or one avaiable.

Thanks ahead of time for any input.
L0D would work. It's not a super thrower, as it's got a large hotspot, but it has a nice smooth beam and a decent high.
A couple of shots in the dark.. lol. reread your question. You cannot get the kind of bright you are asking for with just a AAA or 1xAA or even a 1xcr123a. You gotta move up, get into a bit bigger lights. I use the Dereelight at work all the time.. I needed the slightly bigger reflector of a P60 style drop-in flashlight to get enough light to see big areas at a bit of a distance night. The Fenix P3D is great but cannot compete without the reflector size for distances more than say 15-25 yards. It is a great light-weight backup light for work.

1. Check out the Dereelight CL1H Q5 with the digital 3mode drop-in. For another two bucks get the extra reflector.. OP and Smooth. REALLY bright on high with great spill light using the orange peel reflector. Uses a single recharger 18650 lithium ion. Long runtime on all three settings.. 24 hrs. or more on low. this is the best designed and built light I have ever had. You can see it's real quality beam and spill.

2. I Keep thinking of the Fenix 3PD using a couple of 123a's. bright, small and tough.. waterproof.. long runtimes.. Get a good holster from Maxpedition.. the 4" tube job would last years of tough use. See batteryjunction.com.

The hunt is worth it.
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I would really perfer a built in defuser but removable is a option just I will use it on spot to look for house numbers and then defuse walking up a dark walkway. I fear I will loose the defuser.
Have you any experience with modern flashlights? The beams tend to be quite smooth, so there's no need for a diffusor.
Limited experance just playing in the stores didn't really want to drop $50+ on something I was unsure of so that is why the Leatherman was tempting. No good it is going back time for some thing real. I just started riding again before I was usinng a mag light (don't laugh).

The Dereelight CL1H looks nice but no one seems to sell it but direct and EMS shipping what is that. Is this comming from over seas?
Been working EMS for 15 years. For the wholw time I have carried a AA MiniMag. Just recently added a NiteIze 1 watt upgrade and have found this to be perfect in regards to size, durability, price (cuz we're soooo well paid!!!) and brightness. Very few times have I found I NEEDED a searchlight-strength light (heresy...I know). The majority of the time I use a light for vehicle maintenance, navigating dark houses , and making up my bunk w/o waking my partner. I tend to travel light as opposed to those who wear the "Hero Belts", just carrying a MM, Multitool, Scissors, glove pouch (No Glove, No Love) and radio.

Todd Matthews FF/EMT-P
May I suggest the K2 Palmblaze? Comes with a low-profile belt sheath, a simple wrist strap (detachable) and uses 1 x CR123A. Barely $20...even with shipping it's still significantly < $30.

No focusing or spot/flood option...but plenty bright enough for what you need, IMO. :)

Please follow up and let us know what you choose & why when the time comes.
If you want something that would leave your hands free you might try a Zebralight. You could clip it to your shirt pocket or something else.
I'm a paramedic and I've never had to use a flashlight working on a private ambulance, well except to check pupillary response. If I needed light I would use the scene lights on the ambulance to light up an area.

When working at the FD I use a Pelican "Big Ed" strapped to the front of my turnout gear and a Garrity lifelight disposable on my helmet.
The Olight T-20 is a very good flashlight, sturdy, reliable, multi levels, comes with holster. You can power it with rechargeable C123A's. Got mine from Batteryjunction.com.
I would go with the L4 from Surefire. It produces an intensley bright wall of light and does not need a diffuser. It can easily light up a 20 foot wide scene with it's intense beam, get it and you won't be sorry. Not to mention that is has Surefires legendary warranty and toughness. I love mine and it is still my EDC.

I tend to use a flashlight allot to find apartnment numbers in complexes. We go in know that hte apartnment is there but these things are huge and dark at night, guess the residents don't like to many lights at night. Also to light up comming out with a cot for my partner or myself if I give someone else the light. So I need a spot to see the numbers when I get there and a good flood for general walking. Plus I may use this on fire calls as well and hiking etc. So I think in this case multipal light levels and a good light is in order I tend to do things once.

The mag light has served me well but just doesn't have enought power to light up a walkway for 3-4 people or search for a apartnment and the rig lights are the huge orange boxes that, well I am not pulling out unless I have to.
Fenix L2D or a Novatac EDC OR a mini mag with the IQ switch

I was a medic for 8 years and carried one large 4D mag and a mini mag. The big one usually stayed on the bus but was great for address locates and adjusting things.

Good luck and stay safe out there
Check out this:

zebralight H30

I like the fact that it can be set up to be run with a clip. So you can use it handsfree on a shirt pocket or maybe even on your belt.

Do you have spots in your rigs? Because I can't think of anything practical and handheld that can do a better job of finding house #'s. The zebralight should fit the other needs you mentioned.
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I have a Dereelight 3SD P60 pill in a Xtar host that I recently got a chance to use to find streets and addresses at night. It's almost overkill. You'd have to get 18650 batteries and a charger for it.

The T20 Q5 would work great for you to spot addresses with from the street. Not as bright as the Dereelight, but has a great spot. You'd probably use it on Level 2, 120 lumen, mostly. Goes all the way from 205 lumen to 15 lumen in five steps.
Free shipping and 8% off with coupon code CPF8, I believe. There may be a minimum purchase for the free shipping.

I don't know how well the Fenix I recommended would help you spot addresses. You almost need 2 flashlights since you want both a wide area light and a spot. LED lights don't change focus well. Since I EDC the T20 Q5, I'd be partial to recommending that you get it and some AW Rechargeable RCR's. Then get a floody light if you find the T20 to not light up an area well enough.
Well, you might find the NovaTacs (1 CR123A) useful (Lighthound has the 85 series for $99.99, great flashlight, great price) or the Fenix L1D series (1 AA). I have 28 years in EMS and find both of these lights useful @ work. Hope this helps.