Eneloop Abuse


Jan 7, 2008
Michigan USA
About two years ago I misplaced a Uniden two-way radio that I used for deer hunting. I was less worried about the radio than I was about the 3 AA Eneloops that were in it. About a month ago I found the radio. Do not ask, it was in my equipment bag all along. Anyhow when I took out my Eneloops and checked them one of them had a negative 0.07 volt reading. Yikes! The other two Eneloops each had a 1300+ mAh charge left on them as measured by my Maha charger under a 1000 mA load. When I ran my questionable "dead" Eneloop thru an analyze cycle under a 1000 mA load it had a capacity of 1936 mAh. Hmmm I thought. So I then recharged it fully and put it on a shelf for a month. Well I took it down today and discharged it under a 1000 mA load. It tested out with a capacity of 1798 mAh. Looks like no harm done!:thumbsup:
I've had similar experinece using Eneloops in a LCD clock and wireless mouse. One of 2 or 3 came out around 0 volts and my Lacrosse refused to charge them. I put them in a timed charger for a few minutes, then transfer them back to the lacrosse.

I label them with a red sharpie, but they seem to perform just as good as the others.
How's the internal resistance on it?

I would assume that it is performing no different than my other Eneloops. I only got about a 7% self discharge over 30 days. I have found that my Eneloops race to about 90% capacity then slow down considerably after that. I did my discharge capacity tests with a 1 amp load so I am fairly confident that the Eneloop in question is good.