Energizer 4AA folding light

I just bought one at Big Lots for $5. I know Big Lots can be hit or miss, but if you have one near you it may be worth trying. When they were more popular a couple years ago I always wanted one, but never pulled the trigger.

I have to say I like this light, it's brighter than I expected. In reading some past CPF threads it seems like some people found them for cheaper a year or two ago, but with 4 Energizers, and nice output, I'm pleased and may buy a couple more or many possibly for gifts.

Good luck finding one.
I already have 3 of the older twin tube versions. Would like to to get the newer 3 led versions. Or, maybe upgrade the leds:thinking:

I'll have to try big lots this weekend. Used to be able to find them on sale at office depot. Haven't seen any lately though.
These little lights have an amazing run time. I forgot and left one hanging in a tree at my cabin. I came back one week later and it was still on and it was still bright.

I used the same batteries for several weeks after that.
I can't see the model on the reviews site, but I think I used to have the same thing. Absolutely amazing runtime. I used mine from about my 5th b-day, till I was about 9. I used mine to read in bed (Bad habit, I know:grin2:), as a kid. I can't quite remember, but I think I only changed the batteries only once a year (and that's with usually 1 1/2 + hrs. reading EVERY NIGHT). Great floody output. On high (both LED's on), it could light up my room very nicely.
If I see one, I think I'll have to get another. God, this thread brings back memories.

Oh, I had mine, trouble free, for (I think) 4+ years. I threw it away after my dad stepped on it, breaking the switch, and destroying the battery compartment.:eek::candle: