Anyone know which LEd this thing uses?
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There is a 1AA version at Target that has a luxeon 3 in it.
Duh. I know the lux and the cree aren't the same model. But they are both AA Energizer LED flashlights, no? The OP didn't specify, so I volunteered the information that I knew.
I guess from now on I'll keep my mouth shut.Thanks for "correcting" me Marduke...
The OP originally showed a picture of model ML2AAE-2 (which was later removed), which is not even listed on the Energizer Website. So far they have only been seen/sold at Sam's Club. The Target models are MLT3W2AAL and MLT1W2AAL for the 2xAA ones (one Lux 3, one Rebel), and the 1xAA which is a smaller version of these two is MLT1WAAE