Energizer Arc White, almost as bright as Legend LX


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 27, 2002
I have an Energizer Arc White (the one with the CCFL), and discovered last night that it is amost as bright as my Brinkman Legend LX. I was rather surprised at this. Perceived brightness was almost the same, with the brighter being the Legend LX by a slight amount. How is this possible? I don't believe I have any special bulb in the Arc White. I DID put some Scotch Satin Tape over the bezel to help smooth the beam out, and thought to myself, 'that beam looks similar to my Legend LX.' This Arc White has always been one of my brightest lights I have, but to compete (and compete well) with the bulb and battery setup of the Legend LX is, to say the least, amazing!

Completely off the topic:

FS Brinkman Legend LX . . . . $20

Just kidding......
Originally posted by Orion:
I have an Energizer Arc White (the one with the CCFL), and discovered last night that it is amost as bright as my Brinkman Legend LX. I was rather surprised at this. Perceived brightness was almost the same, with the brighter being the Legend LX by a slight amount. How is this possible? I don't believe I have any special bulb in the Arc White. I DID put some Scotch Satin Tape over the bezel to help smooth the beam out, and thought to myself, 'that beam looks similar to my Legend LX.' This Arc White has always been one of my brightest lights I have, but to compete (and compete well) with the bulb and battery setup of the Legend LX is, to say the least, amazing!

Completely off the topic:

FS Brinkman Legend LX . . . . $20

Just kidding......
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I love my Arc White, it is a bright-a$$ little light, just maybe not very durable, so i put it in my wife's car and i got a Princeton Tec 40.
I have 5 of the Energizer Arc white lights. 4 of the lights, the incandecent was soo poor, I just replaced the bulb with an LED bulb, but 1, the light is almost perfect!

Go figure!
Heck, I guess I just happened to get a good one. Using that Satin Tape to clean up the beam, it is quite impressive now. I was already very impressed with the light, mostly for the CCFL, but also because I thought the beam was pretty good, but now, with the tape, it's back up there in my incandescent favorites!

I wish it was a little more rugged myself, but since it's not, I'll just not be rough with it.

BuddTX, what made you get 5 of them? Did you like them that much?
I like my Arc white incandescent beam also. It is way better than my 4D mag light. Of course, the flashlight can't take much abuse though.
Why do I have five?

Well, long story, but . . .

I lost two during an emergency at work, and had them replaced, then found the original two, then, in cleaning my house, I found another one that I forgot I had!
The lucky flashaholic, the one which loses lots of torches only to find them after he bought more torches. How I envy those.......
I put some Photo lithium batteries in mine. Makes for a very nice white output. It also trims the weight of the light down. Mini-Mags also work will with photo lithiums. I bought two of these lights awhile back when my local Wal-Mart closed out on them.
Energizer has great customer service too!

FYI, I dropped my wife's Arc White and broke the battery compartment cover.

Sans receipt, I sent it back to Energizer with an explanation of how I accidently dropped it, and got a new unit in about 2-1/2 weeks!
I have an Arc White and replaced the bulb with a brighter one but still the Legend LX is significantly brighter. The Arc White is a good value for the dollar though everything considered.
Originally posted by geepondy:
I have an Arc White and replaced the bulb with a brighter one but still the Legend LX is significantly brighter. The Arc White is a good value for the dollar though everything considered.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Just watch out! -I also replaced the bulb in my Arc White with an 850mA bulb, and damned near melted the reflector.

And just for good measure
, I did exactly what guncollector did, (by dropping it(!) and broke the little retaining **** off of the battery door.
Orion...I have an Arc White that I've covered the lens with WriteRight and am currently overdriving a Mag 3D Krypton Star bulb in. VERY bright and smooth...not quite as bright as my Legend LX, but it throws a little further. While (as previously stated...) the Arc White may not be the most "robust" flashlight, it does give GOOD bang for the buck.

PJD, what you said is just about my take on the Arc White too. Sure the Legend LX is brighter, but with the tape over the lens, it is a nice runner up, and does infact throw further. I guess we just happened to get the good ones. The CCFT is nice in there too for an area light.

It would be interesting to test the area lighting of the Arc White's CCFT (when it warms up) to Inretech's 6 LS flood light.

My ArcWhite had been sitting in my drawer collecting dust bunnies for quite some time.

After I did the same mod with the 3 cell bulb and the Writeright, it is now one of my many edc's.

Incandescent is very bright for an alkaline light, with a pretty solid beam ... still not impressed with the CCFL, and the odd shape keeps it out of my top 10 favorites.
I've been running mine with Lithiums for quite a while and it produces a very nice and white light. With the new lithiums, it outshines my 4D Mag-Lite by a tiny bit and has a slightly better quality beam. It is also my favorite light in a power outage as well because the CCF is the best light that I've seen yet to read by. It throws out a very pleasant and even white light which is comfortable to the eyes for a long period of time. The CCF is also very efficient. The last big power outage we had I put in a set of 4 1300 mAh NiMh that had not even been charged for like a month so they were probably only at about 65-75% capacity and I was still able to read for nearly 8 hours before they died on me. I'd say that's pretty remarkable considering how much light the CCF puts out.
lasernerd, instead of purple gel, use a really dark blue, rosco congo blue gives the best black light filter I have seen. It only has like 1.5% transmission though.