Enlarging trit slot on a PEU SS bezel


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2006
I would like to fit a 5mm trit on a PEU bezel so I need to enlarge the slots by about 1mm. Any idea on what dremmel bit should be used ?

Any idea, suggestion welcomed !
Thank you both ! :thumbsup:

I'm sure I'm not the only that tried to fit a B@rt trit into those jewels... any other input welcomed !

PEU, as there ever been another version of that bezel that fits the 5mm trit ?
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The story behing these shorten than bart trits holes is that Bart was soldout at the time and a seller from HK ( I dont recall the name) had some smaller units he sent me as samples and from there I went, he managed the trit sales.

No, never did these bezels again.

If you want those to look nice, the part needs to be set up in a mill vise & the slot enlarged with a solid carbide end mill. There's probably someone here who would do that for only a hand & a foot (which is less than an arm & a leg:nana:)
With the proper skilled hand there is no doubt it can be done, but the skilled hand is worth far more than a mill with the proper setup.
If you want those to look nice, the part needs to be set up in a mill vise & the slot enlarged with a solid carbide end mill. There's probably someone here who would do that for only a hand & a foot (which is less than an arm & a leg:nana:)

Hmmm... An arm and a foot...:thinking: I've got two of each... should I ? No.. I'm using them too often.

I then think I'll have to suffer the 4-5 years barely visible trits...

Thanks all !
I then think I'll have to suffer the 4-5 years barely visible trits..
I have the machines to do this, as do many others, but setup on a small part is touchy at best. If you really want it done, contact some of the modders & someone will certainly do (and do it well). I'd estimate 60-90 minutes to enlarge the slots, maybe a little more. Add the cost of the tool (about $30) and you can buy a new SureFire for about the same price :D
I have the machines to do this, as do many others, but setup on a small part is touchy at best. If you really want it done, contact some of the modders & someone will certainly do (and do it well). I'd estimate 60-90 minutes to enlarge the slots, maybe a little more. Add the cost of the tool (about $30) and you can buy a new SureFire for about the same price :D

Really does'nt worth it, especially since it's for my outdated (but beloved...) HDS EDC. The problem is that these sized trits are not available anywhere and even if they were, B@rt's one are a lot brighter... Ok, I'll turn on the locator flash function...
Really does'nt worth it, especially since it's for my outdated (but beloved...) HDS EDC. The problem is that these sized trits are not available anywhere and even if they were, B@rt's one are a lot brighter... Ok, I'll turn on the locator flash function...

What size trits do you need? I may have a few in my parts box that would fit.
As I was commuting today, a thought occurred to me. Re-working things like small slots is actually more demanding than making them the first time.

Pablo (PEU) is the creator of the bezel in question. This is not the first time someone has wanted this work done. The fact is that Pablo has not jumped up and offered to do the re-work. I think I know why.

When redoing the slots, you need to clamp the part in exactly the same plane as it was in originally. You have to center it so that the spacing between the slots is maintained. You also have to notice and preserve little details like the minuscule ledge at the end of the slot that keeps the vial from falling through. The chances that you miss something are pretty good, and so are the chances that you will disappoint to owner of the light.

When the part is first made, the orientation, depth of the slot and many other details are pretty much whatever the creator wants it to be.

Having said that.... You should be able to carefully hand file SS with a jewelers file if you have a steady hand and are willing to accept any mistakes you make. Find something to hold the part very firmly so that you are not slipping and messing up the part.

Good luck,

I have used Bart's trits in both my PEU bezels, I just used a jewelers file to take down the squared corners of the trit and they dropped right in.
There was an old thread on enlarging the slots for one of my PEU bezels. The CPF'r who did the work posted several pictures of the machining equipment and the actual process of precisely enlarging the slots.

It was not an easy task. We had input from a lot of CPF's along the way including PEU himself.

On one of the slots, the little shelf at the bottom of the slot got ground off. I don't know if that caused the problem, but I've been through 2 trits in that that slot and they keep breaking.

I would say forget about it. Particularly when factoring in that any work on the bezel will be noticeable and reduce its value, that you may end up with a problem as I did, and that if you post a WTB for the right sized trits - with some patience you may be able to do it properly.
I don't know if that caused the problem, but I've been through 2 trits in that that slot and they keep breaking.

I would say forget about it.

After enlarging the slots with a micro proxxon mill I have the same issue. Trits just stop working. I suppose they are cracking possibly because the slot is not exactly flat and the glue hardens enough to crack them, maybe. I use Norland 61, but after a month or so the trits are lights off and I still cannot find the battery compartment.

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There was an old thread on enlarging the slots for one of my PEU bezels. The CPF'r who did the work posted several pictures of the machining equipment and the actual process of precisely enlarging the slots.

Yep, I did post pictures. :)

On one of the slots, the little shelf at the bottom of the slot got ground off. I don't know if that caused the problem, but I've been through 2 trits in that that slot and they keep breaking.

That shelf was a surprise. It was hidden by some glue remanent, so I did not know that it was there till I got to the next slot. By that time.... too late. It should not cause a trit vial to break. I suspect that the vial is being stressed some other way. Maybe it's too deep or too shallow and bumping into something?

I would say forget about it. Particularly when factoring in that any work on the bezel will be noticeable and reduce its value, that you may end up with a problem as I did, and that if you post a WTB for the right sized trits - with some patience you may be able to do it properly.

I would second that. It's hard to do without something going wrong, such as a scratch from a file slipping or a slot that's just a bit longer than the others. And, of course, there's always the fun when you find that the tritium vials you bought are actually too big to fit the curvature of the part. :(

Good luck


Wow, thank you all for your inputs. I never thought it could be such a challenge to gain about 2mm on an existing slot. Looking again at the bezel, I realize how precisely it has been made. I dont mind much about the look because this bezel goes on my EDC (well... one of my 20 EDC... you know guys how it is...:eek:) so as long as it is functional, it's ok with me.

What makes me more nervous about doing it myself is the fact that the vials may not sit flush anymore and might break. What's the sens to have brighter trits if they keep breaking ?

I've had offers from skilled members to do it but I'm actually quite poor :)broke:) so that's why I thought of doing it myself.

I guess I'll look for some right sized vials but I guess I won't ever find some bright as B@rt's one.

F250XLT, I'm curious. You seem to be the only one that successfully did it without professional equipment. Would you have some pictures by any chance ? Any tip on how to do it ?

Gadget Lover: I tried to look for your thread but could'nt find it, any idea of the title or when it was done ?
F250XLT, I'm curious. You seem to be the only one that successfully did it without professional equipment. Would you have some pictures by any chance ? Any tip on how to do it ?

I am assuming Bart's trits have not changed sizes in the past couple years, correct? There were actually a few vials that fit without modification, I am assuming due to variances in the vials or slots themselves. For the others, I just took a jewelers file to the edges until they dropped in. I only have pics of the vials set into the slots with Norland, not sure that would do you any good.

What makes me more nervous about doing it myself is the fact that the vials may not sit flush anymore and might break. What's the sens to have brighter trits if they keep breaking ?

Main problem using a dremel is that it can jump off the slot and make a line on the outside marking the bezel, if you are OK with these errors, I think you can use a dremel diamond file, these are sold in 20sizes boxes for around $10

I see no problems with the bottom of the slot not being perfectly flat because the vial usually floats inside the slot in norland or the transparent adhesive of your choice.

Good Luck!
