Eveready 2D 3 LED @ 70 mA.. Brighter than a 1W Lux..???


Aug 4, 2001
Friend got this flashlight at Wal Mart for $7.96 for me for my birthday. This thing is brighter than my River Rock 1W 1AA (Nuwai X1) in throw (under 20 ft) AND in overall output, with the Eveready drawing 70 mA! Wow... Are these Nichia DS's?? Also seems to have a nice circuit, the positive contact is based against the body instead of the circuit board, making it more durable. Of course it's build will remind you of your average under 5 bucks 2D incan light, it's quite obvious that the bin of 5mm's used in here are VERY premium. Overall I'm surprisingly pleased.

Edit: Each of the 3 LEDs have their own little convex lens.
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Does anyone know if these use CS or DS? I also tried hooking up only one good cell, and it still lights up pretty bright, but not as bright as with two good cells.
Gee, i'll answer . . . .

Sounds promising.

Any chance you can "transplant" the LED "module"

into a more durable (and perhaps Waterproof) flashlight ?

From what you've mentioned, i'd sure like to see this

installed into an Eveready "Industrial" or "Contractor" -grade flashlight.

Can't beat D-cells running at 70 milliamps ! :thumbsup:

Thank you for sharing this with us, L.E.D.

Thank you for the reply, Burgess. I do not have any other similar plastic lights laying around so I cannot try fitting it to others. I really wish I had a digital camera for beamshots, as this output at this current simply amazing to me. It completely trumps my Mini Maglite AA w/ NiteIze 3 LED dropin at 150 mA (2 cells also).. Again, anyone know anything about the 5mm's used here??
That's impressive! Are you sure your ammeter is working correctly?!
How about putting it in a 2 C cell mag. It'd last forever ;)

I was also curious about the ability to rip the component LED portion from the rest of the assembly and put it in, probably, older flashlights. With the thread section, it can be placed in the Eveready Brilliant Beam, but not much point to this. You would need a light that has an old fashion switch that connects to a base plate below the light source.

In case someone asks why I haven't done this myself, when I start meddling with hardware, the result is :poof:.
Yep, my ammeter is definitely working correctly... Still quite impressed with this light, I am pretty much certain these are AT LEAST CS or equivalent, simply must be with this output / amperage combo. Pretty insane find in an 8 dollar light...
After reading this post thought I would give one a try,for a under $9 out the door this thing is bright for 3 leds.Seems like a good one for a BOB or home survival kit.Thanks for the post L.E.D. otherwise I might have passed this one up.
Mr Light

The light you pointed out will be far brighter. This eveready light is just 3 5mm's sitting in a reflector, with the plastic bezel window having 3 focusing lenses for each 5mm. Each lens is like that of an original Inova X1 gen1, though with a wider angle. If the angles on this are made to be real tight, it would probably outthrow most of my Luxeon I lights. The light you pointed looks to contain three 0.5W leds in reflectors, will most likely outshine the Eveready in throw and output, but I wonder what the runtime of the DX light is..


You're welcome. It's pretty interesting to see that much light coming from such a low current (measured from batteries).. 2D alkaline + 70 mA is going to last MUCH much more than one hundred hours.. Think more around 200-500 hours (Fenix L2D lasts 55 hrs at less than 110 mA, on Low).. Also, I have shown that the circuit easily operates at 1.5v (tried it out by hooking up only one cell) I believe they are severely undercutting themselves on their runtime statements.
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