Yes , 18650 size lights can put out over 400 Lumen ..
If you need throw , you might look at dedicated throwers ..
Spear clones throw well ! [ Just got one myself ]
The one I got seems to be very well made , offers good run time , and should throw 200+Yards ..
Fenix Tk-12 size , your looking at 100-150 Yards , maybe 200 if you can find one with a really good XR-E R2 emitter that can do close to 300Lumen OTF or has a really HOT hotspot .
I might have owned at least 10 P60 R2 drop ins over the last year , and only 2 out of those have been really outstanding .. I mean outstanding ...
So I would say , take a look at the throwers !
HS-802 / Spear Clone / L2
Just for size comparison ...
The 802 throws close to 300Yards , I only got the Spear clone today , but would say it will throw harder , the L2 is good to 100Yards [ XP-G R5 ] a R2 will be good for another 50 Yards , and a really good R2 can be good for another 50 again .
Hope this helps .