EZAA vs Quark AA: Which is brighter?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
Going by the ads the EZAA says it's brighter, but I know that the ads don't always tell the real numbers. Anyone have both that can comment? The Nitecore claimes 145 lumens and the Quark claims 90.
From what I've seen, Nitecore exaggerates their lumen claims quite a bit. If nothing else, they always quote emitter lumens, which will always be greater than what the light actually puts out.
Based on Selfbult's light box, on AA, the EZAA is marginally brighter, but you simply won't be able to tell the difference in real life, and this is just based on one sample, so the best can be said is that they're essentially almost the same in terms of output overall and with 14500, the Quark AA has higher output most of the time and is also better regulated than hte EZAA on 14500.

So to conclude, the Quark AA overall has a higher output potential, which isn't surprising at all as Quark AA even has a much bigger heatsink than EZAA does, the inherent limitation of smaller lights.