Favorite candy?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 10, 2008
So what's everyone here's favorite candy? The kind you'd raid your kids, cousins, nephews trick or treat haul for and leave them one particular brand short. Mine are Reese's peanut butter cups.
Currently I seem to be into Skittles. Munching on one right now. As a kid I really liked Necco Wafers and Baby Ruth's.

Wow that's a tough one, to narrow it down to one. I may feel like an Almond Joy today and maybe a Payday tomorrow and who knows the next, the next, the next...but I think Milky Way would be the one I'd need to take to a deserted island! :thinking:
Atomic Fireballs, they area hot jawbreaker. Next would be Good and Plenties with a Coke chaser, yum just like Uzo with a Coke chaser...
Smartees would disappear first,
but I'd have a tough time resisting Abba Zabba, Big Hunk, Butter Mints, Necco Wafers, Salt Water Taffee, Junior Mints, Gumdrops, Peanut Brittle, Pink Popcorn, Butterfinger, Tom's peanut butter bars - actually, now that I think about it, it would probably be best if I ate most of the candy to protect my daughter from the dangers of sugar. I'd leave her a few Kit Kat and Red Vines just for fun:party:.
There's one that can still get me... a Snickers bar. Nothing like the classics.

A fine (usually European) milk chocolate with hazelnuts is my favorite sweet treat though.
My honorable mentions...

Reese's PBCs, Am I the only one who eats the chocolate around the perimeter first?
Haribo gummy cola bottles, I can eat a whole bag at one sitting.
Sour Punch candy straws, sour apple is my fave.
A&W root beer barrels, the only hard candy I like.

My 2 all time faves...
Panda black licorice, Anice-seed, natural licorice, molasses

Ginger-people candy chews

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My favorite halloween candy was that little molasses toffee thing with the peanut butter filling in the middle, the ones that came wrapped in orange or black wrappers. What a rush it was to chew one and suddenly hit a huge gob of peanut butter filling! I still like those but I can only stand one or two at a time nowadays.

Definitely Reese's peanut butter cups were also at the top of the list, although I rarely received them for halloween.

My other favorites back then -

Necco wafers
Three Musketeers
Nestle's chocolate bars. They had more snap than Hershey's.
Strawberry Pez
Turkish Taffy

What fun memories! :)
it seems the Reese's peanutbutter cups are pretty popular... I was thinking about what a shame it is that a lot of the american stuff isn't available here (and vice versa)... So today I walk in the local supermarket, go over to the imported foods section to get my weekly dose of Mountain Dew and notice 2 things. 1: The Pretzel Pete's Sour Cream & Habanero flavored pretzel nuggets are sold out :( and 2: they have a few packs of Reese's peanutbutter cups. So I bought a pack, and I'm about to see what all the fuss is about :)
it seems the Reese's peanutbutter cups are pretty popular... I was thinking about what a shame it is that a lot of the american stuff isn't available here (and vice versa)... So today I walk in the local supermarket, go over to the imported foods section to get my weekly dose of Mountain Dew and notice 2 things. 1: The Pretzel Pete's Sour Cream & Habanero flavored pretzel nuggets are sold out :( and 2: they have a few packs of Reese's peanutbutter cups. So I bought a pack, and I'm about to see what all the fuss is about :)

Coop, you're in for a treat. A suggestion - put them in the fridge for awhile before eating them. Thats seems to make them even more enjoyable.
Yes refrigeration is almost necessary. If it goes over 90 degrees or so they just go all melty on you.
2: they have a few packs of Reese's peanutbutter cups. So I bought a pack, and I'm about to see what all the fuss is about :)

Hehe...I hope you like them! According to my mom, PBC's have been my candy of choice since I was 4yo. I would only take those from family members. :D

I break them in half, then eat from the middle, saving the chocolate edges.

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