Fenix E01 long-term reliability


Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2007
Am settling on the E01 as one of the only lights I need... Gonna buy a handful for cars, bug-out bags, friends, etc. Before I do, I'm wondering if there's any kind of consensus on their long-term reliability now that they've been out for a bit. If there's already a thread on this, apologies, please point me there. Thanks!
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My wife (purple) and father (olive) have both been EDCing E01s on their keychains since this past summer and use them daily - they are both still going strong and surprisingly the ano has help up quite well (better on the olive though)! I would not have given them the E01s if I didnt think it was a good light.

I remember a thread where one also fell 13 floors or something and still functioned.

I don't think you can beat them for the money and I cant remember seeing a thread on one malfunctioning.

With that said, I carry an arc-aaa GS on my home keys and another on my office keys. I previously had an E01 on my keys but prefered the smaller size of the arc. But for the price of an arc you could buy three E01 and a few spare batteries.

I think you will be well served with the E01.
For the E01's going into cars, i'd suggest the energizer lithiums, they're less prone to leak in those high temperatures. I guess the real concern isn't with the light, but with the leaky batteries :)
I've had great luck with mine, I travel with several lights, the E01 is the one on the hotel nightstand, I can afford to lose it. I can use it to find the big lights if something is happening that needs clarification at 3 am.
They appear to hold up very well in terms of function, but as you can see here the anodizing has worn off fairly well on my black one. I don't mind at all, but some people might. I dont think any keychain light with a coating will withstand keyring duty without showing wear.

For what its worth I had its predecessor fail. No abuse, just wouldn't light up one day. This was an E0.
I bought two of them on pre-order when they were first released.

My blue one as been hanging out in my pocket with two sets of keys for almost a year now. Finish is holding up and no issues with the light.

Wife carries hers (purple) in her pocket with a Victorinox Classic SAK attached to it.

Of all the lights I own, the E01s and Gerber Infinity Ultras get the most use.
Mine stays on my work keys and sees use everyday, gets thrown, dropped, rattled in my pockets, etc. The head has worked loose and fell to the ground more than once, the anodizing is wearing thin in most places.

I think it (mine) is defintely reliable, but I think I would want something about twice as bright at least for a light to keep in the glove box. I have used mine more than once on the side of the road under a vehicle etc, at night yeah it's plenty, but with more daylight it didn't quite cut it for me
I've given a few as gifts, to unenlightened friends, relativesI stress the fact that it's a premium light not available in retail stores. They are tough. I EDC one on my keys next to UV AAA Arc, and Raw Ns.:thumbsup:
I have owned and carried an E01 since April of last year. I have carried and used it 24/7, and am on my third battery (I use E2 Lithiums). I showed it to my boss and he had to have one, as well. Once he received it, he retired his previous EDC (an Inova X1) to his glove box in his truck, and he uses his E01 daily, as well. Nether have ever failed, altho, the ano has worn quite thin in most places (I have the black one, also). I cleaned and lubed the heads on both, and it is a snap to operate either one one handed. I also own an LD01 stainless, and tho the extra Lumens are very handy at times, the ease of operation with the E01 has spoiled me rotten. It has gotten where it annoys me to have to turn the head on my LD01 twice to turn the light on in low, so, when I do need the extra light, I just operate it in the medium setting, which is where the LD01 defaults to after being turned off for more that a second and a half. A redesign of the interface on the LD01 would be perfect for my application, but we are all different, so until that happens, I will be perfectly happy to "wear out" my E01, and then buy a new one. In fact, I like it so well, I have given them to my Dad, daughter, and son, and they all find it hard to separate from them. I suppose one could call us "E01 Junkies". Tho I have other, much brighter lights, for some reason, the E01 gets the call more than all the others. It's just too handy to give it up! :grin2:
My E01 has been on my keys since it was released and I've had no problems with it. The finish is wearing a bit, but not too bad.



Of all the lights I own, the E01s and Gerber Infinity Ultras get the most use.

I wish I had bought more of the IUs when they were clearanced at eknifeworks. They are extremely useful lights for use around the house and can drain a AA Alkaline very deeply.
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Another EO1 fan here. Had mine for quite some time and never a problem. I love the easy twist action, great knurling (esp. on the head), incredible flat 8 hr. runtime on a humble alkie, and the bargain price. One of the best bang-for-the-buck lights I've ever owned.
i have a fenix l2d and wouldnt mind getting an ld01, but I am trying to cut back on my addiction.

I gave some l2p v2s for Christmas and my brother in law tell me " MAN THIS IS THE BEST FLASHLIGHT EVER!!!!THANKS A LOT!!!" every time I see him. He always has his on him too. :candle: