Fenix in Maximum PC Today


Apr 26, 2006
South Carolina
I got the latest issue of Maximum PC in the mail today and upon reading, found something you guys and gals might like. Looks like Fenix is slowing working their way deeper into the US market.

why does it have to be geek tested :eek: flashoholics need it to be tough and cool approved :)
I think its cool they advertised 4sevens in the issue.
Pretty good advert, however two things. If you say "And why not" it invites someone to think of a reason why they should not, as if someone else said it. Also if this is a computer magazine, it might be a good idea to have mentioned smaller lights at least. Just because someone is a PC geek, does not mean they would want a large light, perhaps just something they can edc and show off.

:D Nice ad though
Pretty good advert, however two things. If you say "And why not" it invites someone to think of a reason why they should not, as if someone else said it. Also if this is a computer magazine, it might be a good idea to have mentioned smaller lights at least. Just because someone is a PC geek, does not mean they would want a large light, perhaps just something they can edc and show off.

:D Nice ad though

Agree - I think a D10 or EX10 would have been a better choice for 4Sevens but of course that's not Fenix. In the Fenix line maybe the LD10 or PD20 or LD0 would be a better choice - at least something with more modes since we are talking a button pushing computer geek 'zine. :laughing:
Different brands for different markets. While you see SureFire in Military and Law Enforcement magazines and publications, we get to see Fenix in some Geek of the Week mag. LOL.
I was going to post about this yesterday but I knew someone else would. :D A few months ago they advertised a Surefire E2DL for they're geek bag.

All right fess up who's the insider? I know you're here.
I haven't gotten my issue yet...
It was last month's issue that had the E2DL (although they called it an E2D I think).
I would imagine that this would help 4-sevens significantly, since Maximum PC has a very large reader base who are used to spending 300+ dollars on video cards, so wouldn't mind spending under 100 on a light.
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