Fenix km3 knife


Newly Enlightened
Nov 30, 2007
Just had an off topic question.......does anyone have the Fenix KM3 Knife
$10.00 ......just wanted to know if its worth buying or not??

No one has one of these knives??
just wanted to know if its good quality or junk.....:thinking:
I have the exact same knife minus the Fenix name. I got it when I was in china for 20 yuan or about $2.70. It's also the same as this Ultrafire knife.

It seems pretty solid opening and closing is easy.

The balde is a bit more then 2.5 inches. The whole knife open is about 6.25 inches and the knife closed is about 3.5 inches.

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fairly good cheap knife, I use it to cut paper, so far it keeps its sharpness quite well....I have two, one feels a bit gritty opening and closing, the other the blade wasn't centered in the folded position, but neither affects its operation.

I recently gave one to a friend who wants a pocket folder but considers $70 [kershaw leek] too much to pay for a knife, so far he seems to like it:)

no competition to my EDC, but works as intended

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