Fenix kubotan light?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 12, 2007
I received my Fenix L0D the other day, and as I was admiring it, I noticed that it was the same diameter and just over half the length of my kubotan. Suddenly a light (what else?) went on over my head... if I could attach the L0D head to a 2AAA Fenix body, then I would have a flashlight that was the same length, width and hardness (more or less) as my kubotan.

That would be a perfect keychain light for me - and the 2.4 - 3.0v of two AAA cells would create a fairly decent output.

Surely I'm not the first person to think of this, but I can't seem to find any 2AAA bodies at the Fenix Store or Fenix Light websites. Does anyone here know if such an animal exists?
No such light. I am not sure you should be expecting one, either, but if Fenix sees enough demand, it might happen.
Does it have to be fenix? You could always mod one of these when the come out :grin2: . (I wouldn't know, stuff in Canada comes slow). I don't know about how studry it is though. I would love to see a penlight-ish fenix (or any jetbeam, rexlight, or liteflux for that matter).
hmmm, might not be the type you're looking for, but there is a 2AAA maglite, possibly has a LED drop-in or something of that sort

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