Fenix L0D + 5 foot drop onto concrete = sadness


Newly Enlightened
Apr 27, 2004
Rexburg, ID
I bought my Fenix L0D from Bright Guy a few months back. It has been my EDC ever since I got it. I have really loved this little light. A lot of light in a very compact, well made package.

Last night I was hooking up some Christmas lights and found myself in need of some illumination. Instead of ducking back in the house for a head lamp, I foolishly pulled out my L0D, turned it on and held it in my mouth while I worked. Of course, Mr. Murphy's law came into play and I managed to let the light slip from my mouth. It fell about 5 feet onto a concrete patio where it struck head first. The little guy has survived a couple of drops before, but this one was major, and appears to have been fatal. That's the bad news. The good news is now my wife knows what to get me for Christmas. :>)

can You see anything broke?
Or did You hear it?

Because with a little bit of luck, the battery is damaged to give no power any more but the light still intact.
We need more details. :) Pictures if possible, what broken, etc. Was the LOD attached to anything else? Seems a LOD should laugh at such a drop. Do try a new battery, unless there is visible damage to the contacts, etc.

I have my LOD, and a Liteflux LF2, on my main keychain. I've dropped it a bunch of time, and of course it's usually onto a nice big stone slab outside my door. So far so good, besides some scuffs, etc. With the keys on there they really smack hard.
ummmmmmmmmm, what part of dropping it on it's head on concrete from 5 feet is supposed to be covered under warranty? :thumbsdow
- it's called oopsie issue not warranty issue

as stated, hopefully it is something simple as a battery contact or something that just need "re-adjusting"
Man, thats unlucky..

The L0D is one of my fav lights, i once droped one of mine from a manhole while reparing some wiring and it fell about 15ft onto concrete, it was still on after impact, and still functions like new to this day, its pretty dinged up but.

Try replacing the batt and give the threads a good clean, etc, it may work again, theres not much in the light to actually break.

Sorry to hear about the L0D :poof:fatal drop.
I EDC a L0D with a Streamlight body. Currently I'm using a AAA Alk. I frequently use 10440s as well.

That steel version looks good and might be a little brighter than your old L0D.
OK you have us all waiting to see if you can revive the light... please post an update!

like many other here I have dropped mine a number of times and it's been OK, but sometimes you're just unlucky.
I dropped my Fenix L2S on the door threshold today, but it held up.


Sorry to hear.
Even if it was covered I would not return it as the fault is with the user. I am just old school.

That's good, because the cost of warranty repairs are not coming out of 4Sevens pocket or Fenix's account. The cost of warranty is statistically built into the price of every light. So you might say he 'paid' for it, but it's all based on projections and when an accounting is done the accounts will be balanced.

I must say though, Fenix lights really do stand up.
if you are, you should see if 4sevens will replace it (assuming you got it there)

Normally this would be the case, unless he bought it from 4sevens.com.

For those that didn't read the first sentence of the OP:

I bought my Fenix L0D from Bright Guy a few months back.


Sorry to hear about your light. You should really check into an RA Twisty/Clicky and you'll never have to worry about the "dropping the light and holding my breath" problem again...:twothumbs
OK you have us all waiting to see if you can revive the light... please post an update!

like many other here I have dropped mine a number of times and it's been OK, but sometimes you're just unlucky.

what he said...... i don't think this is a warranty matter from fenix. if you have a REALLY good homeowners insurance policy you might can try there. unless you live in florida. :D

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