Fenix L1D battery question


Newly Enlightened
Sep 11, 2007
I know that L1D can handle 3 volts because it has the same circuit as the L2D. I have read that the diameter and lenght of AA battery and that of 14500 lithium ion battery are almost the same.

Can L1D handle the higher voltage of 14500 battery without any issue? Thank you so much for your anticipated answer to my question.
Do a search for all the various millions of billions (I counted them, yes, it was millions of billions) of threads asking about using a 3.7V RCR123 in a P1D or P2D, the results apply to anyone trying to use a 3.7V 14500 in a L1D. :)

LiIon comes hot off the charge at 4.2v.
The Light is not rated for V that high, and some people have reported permanent damage resulting.

Other people do it all the time and havent had problems and just accept the fact they loose all low modes.

The runtime and brightness gains over NiMh is not as great as you would think. By selective use of lower modes when appropriate the Nimh will actually last a lot longer.