Fenix L2D-CE reflector adjustment


Jun 22, 2004
Well, while CPF was down, I like many others, had some time on my hands.. I compared my $12.50 Cree drop-in's from DX to my L2D-CE and other lights...:oops:

Like others, the LED was off center and not the best focus. :thumbsdow

Well, needless to say I got into it elbow deep and it's a bit better now. I would rate it a medium difficulty level only because of the possibility to do some damage. I've posted the story, in no short way, over here. Let me know if there's any missing info or steps. I'll post pictures soon.
I have a P2D and it opened with a mouse pad. I used a pick to remove the
glue. Couldn't get it as well as I want it so I ordered the OP reflector from
7777's. We'll see how it works.
I have some pic to adjust center of cree in fenix P and L series.

remove and attach with AA glue again.




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Excellent pictures and contribution. Thanks! I thought about trying to center the LED but it didn't look like there was any room for movement on the base. Also I thought it was the reflector that was out of round. It looked like it was just in the center depression like a hotlips. I guess I'll give it a go and take some pictures of the sanded down reflector *** well. I bubbled the original reflector from the heat I applied and it actually improved the beam as far as rings are concerned. I ordered a replcement but like the output from the "modified" one!:twothumbs