Well, while CPF was down, I like many others, had some time on my hands.. I compared my $12.50 Cree drop-in's from DX to my L2D-CE and other lights...
Like others, the LED was off center and not the best focus. :thumbsdow
Well, needless to say I got into it elbow deep and it's a bit better now. I would rate it a medium difficulty level only because of the possibility to do some damage. I've posted the story, in no short way, over here. Let me know if there's any missing info or steps. I'll post pictures soon.
Like others, the LED was off center and not the best focus. :thumbsdow
Well, needless to say I got into it elbow deep and it's a bit better now. I would rate it a medium difficulty level only because of the possibility to do some damage. I've posted the story, in no short way, over here. Let me know if there's any missing info or steps. I'll post pictures soon.